Dog attack

With puncture wounds my vet gave mine antibiotics, dogs can pick up all kinds of germs. I want to say another recent case here were we thought it was surface level, the hen didn't survive, and they only administered topical antibiotics. Unfortuantely I can't tell you what my vet injected her with, someone else would likely know.
I don’t mean to use it now, but when she is well enough to go back with her flock after some healing, it can help hide the bare red skin. Or you can choose not use it, and let her completely heal. She then will need to be slowly integrated back into the flock. Usually I would use a dog crate in the coop or run with food and water, and where they can see each other. Then gradually have some supervised visits and free ranging.
Yeah I was just thinking that. I have 3 chicks that are 12 weeks old and her size. I may put her with them and then when they get ready for the big pen add her with them. I normally put the new one in the yard while the others are free ranging and that seems to help but now I don't think they will free range
With puncture wounds my vet gave mine antibiotics, dogs can pick up all kinds of germs. I want to say another recent case here were we thought it was surface level, the hen didn't survive, and they only administered topical antibiotics. Unfortuantely I can't tell you what my vet injected her with, someone else would likely know.
Yeah that's what I'm afraid of. There isn't a vet close to me that sees poultry and I have no clue of the damage on the inside. My oldest daughter said she seen him shake the hen. I'm already prepared for the worse but I just have to try until she says no more. Right now she is pretty alert and fusses at me if I move the towel. Hoping but tomorrow she will start eating and drinking
If you see an infection developing can you treat her multiple times a day with strong chamomile tea. Chamomile is antibacterial and safe for chickens. I have used it even on parakeets etc. You still can treat it every day with chamomile tea if you want to prevent infection.
How will I know and infection is coming? I suspect the skin will start bruising so that will definitely be purple and green. Will it ooze?
Chickens bruise green. And watch for redness around the edges of the wound, and a bad smell. Also keep an eye out for flystrike - flies laying eggs in the wound, hatching into maggots. Protect her from the other chickens pecking at the wound. Keep it clean and coated with antibiotic ointment and she should heal just fine. Chickens are amazing in what they can survive!
Yeah that's what I'm afraid of. There isn't a vet close to me that sees poultry and I have no clue of the damage on the inside. My oldest daughter said she seen him shake the hen. I'm already prepared for the worse but I just have to try until she says no more. Right now she is pretty alert and fusses at me if I move the towel. Hoping but tomorrow she will start eating and drinking
I believe it may have been Amoxicillin. Also try searching "dog attack" on byc to find the other threads.
Depending where the injury is, can you let the tea run over the injury or let her sit in the tea and soak. You always can use it as a preventative. If the chickens soaks in tea and drinks it, is it not going to hurt her.

I just had a chicken where our dog pulled feather out and injured her. Did treat her with chamomile tea and all good.

You don't use the tea bag and only the tea itself.

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