Dog food recipe..

I think it is amazing to me that people feed their dog raw. Kudos to those taking on that commitment!
Just reading this thread makes me tired.
Other than bagging food once a month (or couple months depending on your schedule) it doesn't take any longer than kibble. It's also much cheaper if you buy in bulk. Just get your supplies, bag them up and freeze them. Toss a bagful in the bowl and TADA done.

Obsessive cleaning is actually a GREATER danger to human health, esp if you use antibacterial cleaners or other germ killers. That leaves the stronger more resistant germs to multiply and then in the case of an outbreak, there is nothing that can help because now you have super-germs.

Just put a mat down, put the food in the bowl, and let the dogs eat. Afterwards, just spray and wipe the mat and bowls. Believe me, though, all you're likely to find is a lot of dog slobber because the food is all gone.
My Dobe eats her meal of turkey neck or hunk of boneless beef heart, pork shoulder, dried liver, spleen, whatever, in about 45 seconds. I put it in a plastic container outside the doggy door. The meat goes in her mouth and two gulps, gone. I have a ton of cheap containers, they are washed every meal.
The tiny dogs and cats eat on mats or in their crates, they take longer and are fussier but it's still a simple process.

Mats and bowls sound way more sanitary than anything I've read or watched so far. If I used KA calcium at every meal, could I chunk or grind the meat (I know a good local source for preground beef) and still get the same benefits as feeding whole? Also, Nature's Farmacy's diet suggests meat be 50-60% of the ration. Has anyone fed at that level or do you all really recommend the 80-85% level?


BTW, there is no PHD in animal nutrition. A vet can take special courses in nutrition, if they have an interest in it, but there isnt a PHD specifically for it. Also, those special courses, even the accredited ones, are usually taught by companies like Science Diet and Royal Canin. The vet schools will tell you they are limied to teaching "10% company specific information" So, they can basically sell their dog foods for 10% of the time they are teaching. Hmm..
Other than bagging food once a month (or couple months depending on your schedule) it doesn't take any longer than kibble. It's also much cheaper if you buy in bulk. Just get your supplies, bag them up and freeze them. Toss a bagful in the bowl and TADA done.

Obsessive cleaning is actually a GREATER danger to human health, esp if you use antibacterial cleaners or other germ killers. That leaves the stronger more resistant germs to multiply and then in the case of an outbreak, there is nothing that can help because now you have super-germs.

Just put a mat down, put the food in the bowl, and let the dogs eat. Afterwards, just spray and wipe the mat and bowls. Believe me, though, all you're likely to find is a lot of dog slobber because the food is all gone.

I very much agree with you. I cannot tell you how LESS sick I am since banning antibacterial anything from the house.

We tend to go on vacation 1 to 2x a year and generally we go on cruises, which are notorious for picking up bugs. I change my routine there and use all of the germ wipes, antibacterial soap, hand sanitizer. I come home fine...but usually about 7 days later I pick up something because my body is susceptible without all the 'protection'. Than I won't get sick for a whole year until we cruise again.

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