Dog thread!🐾

Hey Pamps, how did it go?

Sorry I forgot to check my notifs lol

Pretty bad, the first event I did was showmanship and willow was almost attacked....twice....why that dog wasn't asked to leave the ring the first time is beyond me. After that I had rally with both dogs, I stupidly forgot to potty willow before and she peed 🤦‍♀️ we also had to not do a sign because she refused to down 😭 Oakley pulled. Agility was a bust because she knocked 4 poles, even though she jumps flawlessly at home and missed the contact zone on the A frame. By the end if the day everyone was tired and we didn't do obedience. We clearly have A LOT to work on.
Sorry I forgot to check my notifs lol
It’s ok!
Pretty bad, the first event I did was showmanship and willow was almost attacked....twice....why that dog wasn't asked to leave the ring the first time is beyond me.
Wow! That’s awful! What kind of dog was it? How did that happen? Did it just lunge against the leash or was it off leash? Is willow ok? (emotionally speaking)
After that I had rally with both dogs, I stupidly forgot to potty willow before and she peed 🤦‍♀️ we also had to not do a sign because she refused to down 😭 Oakley pulled. Agility was a bust because she knocked 4 poles, even though she jumps flawlessly at home and missed the contact zone on the A frame. By the end if the day everyone was tired and we didn't do obedience. We clearly have A LOT to work on.
I’m sorry😕 I know you are so frustrated. Don’t be hard on yourself though! It takes a LOT to generalize dogs to new environments. Just remember they are good dogs and still puppies🥰 Chase acts amazing at home, but out in public he isn’t the best. He feels like he has to stare everyone down to make sure they aren’t a serial killer or something🙄
It’s ok!

Wow! That’s awful! What kind of dog was it?
im not syre tbh but it was big and think and almost black, really dark grey.
How did that happen? Did it just lunge against the leash or was it off leash?
on leash. The first time the judge had asked the handler to take the dog down and back as soon as it got to us(we were just standing waiting) it lundged and pulled the handler all the way to willow and was baeking and growling ferociously and tried to bite her she spookef and git out if the way thankfully and a ring steward got the other dog under control. Second time the dog was at least 7 or 8 feet away and just randomly lundged and the exact same thing happened except willow crashed into me so i fell. She still wasn't excused but i had a very nice judge and once she was excused about 5 or 10 minutes later he asked if i was ok and willow was ok and said to forget looking good and just try to make the rest if thus experience poitive for willow
Is willow ok? (emotionally speaking)
yeah, shes really strong with stuff like that
I’m sorry😕 I know you are so frustrated. Don’t be hard on yourself though! It takes a LOT to generalize dogs to new environments. Just remember they are good dogs and still puppies🥰 Chase acts amazing at home, but out in public he isn’t the best. He feels like he has to stare everyone down to make sure they aren’t a serial killer or something🙄
Yeah, I'm trying
im not syre tbh but it was big and think and almost black, really dark grey.

on leash. The first time the judge had asked the handler to take the dog down and back as soon as it got to us(we were just standing waiting) it lundged and pulled the handler all the way to willow and was baeking and growling ferociously and tried to bite her she spookef and git out if the way thankfully and a ring steward got the other dog under control. Second time the dog was at least 7 or 8 feet away and just randomly lundged and the exact same thing happened except willow crashed into me so i fell. She still wasn't excused but i had a very nice judge and once she was excused about 5 or 10 minutes later he asked if i was ok and willow was ok and said to forget looking good and just try to make the rest if thus experience poitive for willow

yeah, shes really strong with stuff like that

Yeah, I'm trying
That’s so annoying. I’m glad she’s fine. :hugs

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