Dog thread!šŸ¾

šŸ¤£ if having a giant dig has done anything to me its given me uper body strength, balance and the ability to avoid falling šŸ¤£
Well, good for you because itā€™s done the opposite for mešŸ¤£ I have more bruises than ever and I fall a ridiculous amount. I had a friend text me one day and say she saw me fall as she was driving byšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø
I've remembered why I never have pics of my dogs, they're horribly unphotogenic šŸ˜­




Sorry I forgot to check my notifs lol

Pretty bad, the first event I did was showmanship and willow was almost attacked....twice....why that dog wasn't asked to leave the ring the first time is beyond me. After that I had rally with both dogs, I stupidly forgot to potty willow before and she peed šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø we also had to not do a sign because she refused to down šŸ˜­ Oakley pulled. Agility was a bust because she knocked 4 poles, even though she jumps flawlessly at home and missed the contact zone on the A frame. By the end if the day everyone was tired and we didn't do obedience. We clearly have A LOT to work on.
Im sorry it didnt go well.
Im sure it will go better next time.

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