Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

I think 14. Pilgrim, buff american, mixes of those 2 breeds, and embden. Here's a picture from last fall. Grass is not green yet here. They were excited their pond melted and they were swimming around. By the time I got my camera they all moved on to other things.

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They are beautiful!!!
I was hacked , been off of the computer for a few days, GS kalib righted everything for me, new passwords all around,
no matter, I couldn't remember the old ones either,
Annie seems to be getting better, slowly but surely each day,
too bad the geese don't eat those beetles,
I wonder if guineas will,
22F this morning, supposed to warm up tomorrow,
had a good thunderstorm yesterday morning,
Lisa, your geese are amazing and gorgeous! I turned down the offer of two geese that needed to be rehomed because my goose shelter/pen is too small, and moving/converting an old goat hut, that also needs renovation to house birds, isn't practical. I would also need to expand the current pen, but there are trees in the way. Still, I wish I could have taken them. Geese are so funny.

Gussie (the sweet one) and Golly (let's say, the other one) take turns laying in a shared nest built along the foundation of my house, producing eggs on alternate days. Both will leap off the nest, hissing and fiercely defending the eggs -- until, apparently, their stomachs overrule their "motherly instincts" and they wander off to forage. When I spot them across the yard, I skulk out of the house, crouch down along the foundation and snatch the eggs, like I'm stealing the Hope Diamond. It's one more reason I'm glad I don't have close neighbors to laugh and/or worry about my sanity.

Jim, good to see you back and hear that Annie is improving daily! Remembering passwords is impossible for me. I panicked a while back when I couldn't immediately find "The Answer Book," a looseleaf notebook with all my passwords for everything.

It seemed like spring was here. It was 75 yesterday, is supposed to be in the 60s today -- and there's a blizzard warning for tomorrow.
thanks for the get well wishes,
I think Annie is finally coming out of the woods,
she did a load of laundry yesterday,. that lifted her spirit a lot,
geese don't need much shelter, mine used to not go into theirs even when it was 2o below zero,
If I lived close to you, Barb, I would set up a trail cam for sure,.:lau
I have not seen a robin or a red wing yet,
probably because I have not been going outside
our car is toast , no comporession, not going to have it repaired,. our son from Madison sent his "extra" car up here for us to use as long as we need it,. He will keep it in his name and insurance and take care of the upkeep,. I told Annie that he is no dummy. He probably will take the car back when we die, lol

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