Duck eggs haven’t pipped, Day 27, is this normal?

Okay, one of them pipped by their self, but the rest weren’t moving, so I checked them, and all were moving. I put a small safety hole in every one except the one that pipped on its own. One didn’t internally pip yet, should this be a concern? It is still moving. Thanks
Okay, one of them pipped by their self, but the rest weren’t moving, so I checked them, and all were moving. I put a small safety hole in every one except the one that pipped on its own. One didn’t internally pip yet, should this be a concern? It is still moving. Thanks
Maybe. Just give that one extra time.
One has still not internally pipped yet. Should I help it? Please help😓
Don't interfere yet, ducklings take time to hatch and some will pip before others- they're on their own schedule.
All you need to do right now is keep an eye on the eggs, if any bruises or discoloration appears on the shell, tell us ASAP. This would indicate a malposition.

If you see no issues with the shell then try to sit on your hands.
Personally I don't believe in safety holes before internal pip. I wouldn't do a safety hole until the duckling is 20+ hours past internal pip with no progress. But as long as the hole is very small, like a pin sized hole, then you should be okay.

Be prepared for them to be a bit slower to external pip, as they have plenty of air from the safety hole and will be in much less of a rush to hatch
Don't interfere yet, ducklings take time to hatch and some will pip before others- they're on their own schedule.
All you need to do right now is keep an eye on the eggs, if any bruises or discoloration appears on the shell, tell us ASAP. This would indicate a malposition.

If you see no issues with the shell then try to sit on your hands.
Personally I don't believe in safety holes before internal pip. I wouldn't do a safety hole until the duckling is 20+ hours past internal pip with no progress. But as long as the hole is very small, like a pin sized hole, then you should be okay.

Be prepared for them to be a bit slower to external pip, as they have plenty of air from the safety hole and will be in much less of a rush to hatch
Ok, thank you for responding! I will update if anything changes. The safety holes are very small, so it should be ok. Thanks for the help!
Update- one of the duck eggs broke a big hole, another pipped 2 more times, and the last one finally pipped! They are all doing well, peeping and wiggling!😃

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