happy duck
Crazy duck mom
You might want to take notes!!!! Just kidding....Hi!
So I'm looking into getting ducks possibly this coming spring. I'm thinking two hens with one drake, is that okay to do?
What breeds are good egg layers, very sweet, calm, that can't fly, and brood?
What housing is best for ducks?
Can you keep them in electric fencing?
What are some good ways to keep their water cleaner for longer?
What do you all do in winter for them?
What food do you get them?
So let's say I get ducklings about the age in the picture, what do they need to do well?
What do the hens need to stay healthy?
Does anyone here rescue ducks? And what are your experiences with rescuing ducks? I am very interested in rescuing adults, ducklings or both if you can put ducklings and adults together.
Please let me know anything else that I might have missed! Thank you!!!

1. I have 3 females to 1 drake to prevent over mating...works great over here!
2. Buffs are one of my all time favorites: they will lay well, are calm, they can't fly more then several feet over and up, and will occasionally brood. Another one is welsh harlequin(which was said above): they are right up there with buffs, but I think have a better tendency to brood. There is also the Muscovy: every thing with buffs and WH(welsh harlequin) but can fly and roost...they are also prone to go broody several times a year! Then there is the Pekin: lays good eggs, is very friendly, and will usually not go broody!
3. A run with a coop attached/or/inside it works great. Keeping them in that day round or part of the day, free ranging in afternoon, and then lock up in the coop for the night is a good way to start!
4. I would not keep them in electric fencing, but put the electric fencing around the run. ( I posted pics of my run and coop so you can get an idea). I don't use electric fencing...and all works fine for me! To make the run I would use welded wire instead.
5. I use apple cider vinigar for them...keeps there water clean. And they are ducks...so there water won't stay clean for long. I just rinse mine out every day and it works!
6. In the winter you just want to put a thicker layer of straw in there coop and make sure that they are not exposed to drafts. But other then that ducks will do great in the cold!
7. Here is a link that explains feed and supplements...so that you can get the full idea:
8.Here is a link on brooding ducklings:https://www.fresheggsdaily.com/2012/02/basic-duckling-care-raising-healthy.html
9. Keeping hens healthy is just raising them right...I talked about books and web sights below to look into and that will help with a lot of Q about adult ducks.
10. Rescuing ducks is a very hard thing. It leads to heart ache and pain. It also results in very happy re-homing. I would talk more to @casportpony about it...I think she rescued ducks and she can tell you more about it!
Here are some books and web sights I would look into. They can help answer some of your Q( you can also look more on here...this would be my first web sight to look into...and you have already done it!).
I hope you find all this useful! I am so sorry this was such a long post, but I am sure you will find it useful in the long run!