Ducks Afraid of Sound of Rain on Coop Roof


Jul 7, 2022
Hi all,

I have 5 Rouen ducks, 7 weeks old. I moved them outside to their coop on Friday and they are doing great. Today it’s raining for the first time and I noticed they aren’t going inside to stay dry or warm. I went into the coop (it’s a fully enclosed room at the back of our barn) and coaxed them in, they were fine with me in there but then when drops of rain started pattering on the roof above us they got scared and ran for their small ducky door to get out into their fenced in outdoor pen.

I’m sure they will get used to it, just want to make sure it’s ok they are out in the rain all day? Their pen is large and has coverage from trees so they aren’t soaked but still, it is wet, about 64 degrees here in Maine. I just want to make sure they’ll be ok if they stay a little wet all day.

Thanks for any experience/advice.
Hi all,

I have 5 Rouen ducks, 7 weeks old. I moved them outside to their coop on Friday and they are doing great. Today it’s raining for the first time and I noticed they aren’t going inside to stay dry or warm. I went into the coop (it’s a fully enclosed room at the back of our barn) and coaxed them in, they were fine with me in there but then when drops of rain started pattering on the roof above us they got scared and ran for their small ducky door to get out into their fenced in outdoor pen.

I’m sure they will get used to it, just want to make sure it’s ok they are out in the rain all day? Their pen is large and has coverage from trees so they aren’t soaked but still, it is wet, about 64 degrees here in Maine. I just want to make sure they’ll be ok if they stay a little wet all day.

Thanks for any experience/advice.
My ducks love to stay out in the rain all day long. They will sometimes go on the coop but they enjoy the rain.
When I was a child we used to say "great weather for ducks" every time it rained. Our ducks are fine outside in the rain. We have had a lot of thunder storms recently in NE Florida. My ducks are out in it all day. They don't run and shelter. They stay out, dabble in puddles, stamp their feet and try and get worms to come up in mud, and generally get on with ducky life.

If your ducks are fully feathered, patrickftobin, they will do just fine in the rain
Ducks love the rain. If it is raining when I have to put my ducks up for the night, I get a lot of angry protests. The rain can also be a great way for some of them to preen and keep clean. The only time I put my ducks up is if it hails. They are not smart enough to get out of the hail.
Thank you! I figured they would like the water aspect of it, they’re just new to it falling from the sky haha. Glad to know they’ll be ok :)
Mine recently stayed out in a hail storm. It was dime sized hail and did not hurt any of them. They seemed to love it and did fine. I did not realize they had not gone in until I looked outside to see them enjoying it. Not wanting to get hit with it myself I just kept an eye on them and all was fine. Funny Duckies. They love the snow too!
Mine recently stayed out in a hail storm. It was dime sized hail and did not hurt any of them. They seemed to love it and did fine. I did not realize they had not gone in until I looked outside to see them enjoying it. Not wanting to get hit with it myself I just kept an eye on them and all was fine. Funny Duckies. They love the snow too!
Had to laugh at this because mine did the same thing last week! Pouring rain, I ran out to put the chickens away (because they don't know what's good for them) but didn't worry about the ducks since, well, they're ducks! But when the hail started, more ice pellets than anything else, I panicked and was about to go and shoo them into their coops, only to find them having the time of their lives!

I did put the 9 week old Muscovy in the coop though, much to their disgruntlement! :D
Had to laugh at this because mine did the same thing last week! Pouring rain, I ran out to put the chickens away (because they don't know what's good for them) but didn't worry about the ducks since, well, they're ducks! But when the hail started, more ice pellets than anything else, I panicked and was about to go and shoo them into their coops, only to find them having the time of their lives!

I did put the 9 week old Muscovy in the coop though, much to their disgruntlement! :D
So happy to read this. I was afraid I would get a disgruntled remark of what a bad duck keeper I was. So happy mine are not the only ones to love the crazy weather. lol

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