Ducks and Weed Fabric


In the Brooder
Feb 24, 2023
Has anyone ever kept ducks in their garden for pest control? What were your results? Also has anyone ever had ducks in their garden while also using weed fabric? Not sure how that would work. Would rain and sprinklers work the manure through the fabric or would it end up a slippery mess? We currently plant our garden using the fabric but leave bare dirt walkways and just peel back fabric a few times a year to till any weeds that are getting out of control.

Any thoughts or experiences would be great!


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I have ducks in my garden and love them. And yes, I got them for eggs and pest control. They do well with bugs and slugs. But, you do have to fence off young plants and crops they like (lettuce, sweet potatoes, onions, etc.). I have raised beds but also use landscape fabric. The poopy water mostly runs through. I replace mine every spring and use the dirty shavings and hay under the new fabric.

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