Ducks? Help me figure out what breed is right for me!


Jun 21, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
The first time I raised ducks, I raised Pekins (like any first-time duck owner does) as they say they are “very friendly” it had turned out to be quite the opposite, they shyed away, and during the winter months when I put them up in the warm barn, it was difficult to catch them. Then I trie the Welsh Harlequin and Silver Apple yard. Same thing, just a little less scared. I want a duck breed that won’t necessarily come up and rub against me like a cat, but eat out of my hand and not run off. What breeds are good? (Btw I was keeping the ducks in with the chickens, which will not happen next time)
I think it really depends on how you raise them... the only friendly ducks I have are mixed breeds that I raised by hand and spent most of their time as ducklings tucked into my pocket or bra :p
Has nothing to do with the breed aside from tendencies.

Pekin are probably the most interactive and will be the first to get close to you without you doing much. Khakis will run as far and fast as they can.

That being said - the best way to can get your ducks to come to you and/or not run from you like crazy is:

Hold them when they're young
Get good one on one & group time
Talk to them (constantly) while growing up and when you're trying to pick them up
Move slowly. Fast movements with any animals is bad
FOOD. Feed them from your hand. Pick them up and feed them. Give them treats! Teach them that a plastic cup that has mealworms in it makes sounds that they like to hear! Anything/everything. Shaking baggy of mealworms.

As with any pet - if you don't spend some time with it they will adopt your profile AKA standoffish and jumpy.

Remember though - animals have fight or flight reactions. Ducks RARELY fight (aside from mama ducks on nests).

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