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- #41
Today story...
" Hi everyone, thankyou for joining "awesomefowl". Anyway today was what you would call a regular day for me. Woke up and ate some breakfast, then I went outside with the others and looked for bugs. Not many bugs on the yard. Leia and her parents left us chickens and went to the store or something. But when she came back she gave us some bananas to eat. After that we went out side and filled up our tummies with good food. Then Daisy and I decided to go in the coop because we had to lay an egg. So jumped in a nest with Coco then Hazelnut came in the nest to so there were 3 chickens in a nest. It was very crowded so I pushed Hazelnut, and Coco out of the nest so I had it all to my self. They could go use the other nest right? Finally, my egg came out after 30 minutes on the nest, I think it is a wast of time to sit on that nest for 30 minutes, when I could be outside having fun. Oh well, how was your day? Right now Leia's Dad is mowing the yard. Grass is flying everywhere!!!
I love fresh cut grass! Here is a new pic of me. Bye now. BYC is the best!!!
" Hi everyone, thankyou for joining "awesomefowl". Anyway today was what you would call a regular day for me. Woke up and ate some breakfast, then I went outside with the others and looked for bugs. Not many bugs on the yard. Leia and her parents left us chickens and went to the store or something. But when she came back she gave us some bananas to eat. After that we went out side and filled up our tummies with good food. Then Daisy and I decided to go in the coop because we had to lay an egg. So jumped in a nest with Coco then Hazelnut came in the nest to so there were 3 chickens in a nest. It was very crowded so I pushed Hazelnut, and Coco out of the nest so I had it all to my self. They could go use the other nest right? Finally, my egg came out after 30 minutes on the nest, I think it is a wast of time to sit on that nest for 30 minutes, when I could be outside having fun. Oh well, how was your day? Right now Leia's Dad is mowing the yard. Grass is flying everywhere!!!