Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat - Part 2 : Chicken Boogaloo.

I suppose I should mention that as soon as we are able, my husband and I will be buying our own little piece of land and providing our own meat, vegetables, eggs and milk. We just have to wait and see if my husband can land this new job he is pursuing.
I find it interesting how much the meat industry is allowed to get away with considering how much our govornment likes to micro manage things. It jusy doesnt make any sense. I personaly do buy that kind of meat, but only because I have little choice at this point. I can not afford organic ethical meat, I lack the space to raise my own and I can't go vegetarian or vegan because I would die. I struggle to maintain my weight and if I were to cut out animal products and meat there is no way that I could keep going. Thats brings up another point. Often vegans can be downright mean about forcing their opinions on people without caring wether it is even a sustainable lifestyle for everyone. Some of us could not survive on that diet. If you want to be vegan, vegetarian, etc. you go for it. I am a meat eater and would like to be left to survive in my own way.
Meat rabbits. You can raise a ton of your own meat, and they don't take up a ton of room.
Meat rabbits. You can raise a ton of your own meat, and they don't take up a ton of room. 

Thats something I had not thought of. I would just have to build their cage like Fort Knox. I have a rat terrier who takes her job of rodent hunting very seriously :)
Are there any issues with zoning? I am allowed chickens in my suburban neighborhood but they are picky about how many. Processing them is technically illegal in my neighborhood so I would have to find somewhere to do that or else be really quiet ;)
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Thats something I had not thought of. I would just have to build their cage like Fort Knox. I have a rat terrier who takes her job of rodent hunting very seriously

Tell her rabbits are lagomorphs not rodents and all should be fine
I find it interesting how much the meat industry is allowed to get away with considering how much our govornment likes to micro manage things. It jusy doesnt make any sense. I personaly do buy that kind of meat, but only because I have little choice at this point. I can not afford organic ethical meat, I lack the space to raise my own and I can't go vegetarian or vegan because I would die. I struggle to maintain my weight and if I were to cut out animal products and meat there is no way that I could keep going. Thats brings up another point. Often vegans can be downright mean about forcing their opinions on people without caring wether it is even a sustainable lifestyle for everyone. Some of us could not survive on that diet. If you want to be vegan, vegetarian, etc. you go for it. I am a meat eater and would like to be left to survive in my own way.

I suppose I should mention that as soon as we are able, my husband and I will be buying our own little piece of land and providing our own meat, vegetables, eggs and milk. We just have to wait and see if my husband can land this new job he is pursuing.

Very true. Personally though I think that is because they control a lot of things. They are right there along with the other lobbyists and big companies forcing their hands and getting them to leave them alone
Thats something I had not thought of. I would just have to build their cage like Fort Knox. I have a rat terrier who takes her job of rodent hunting very seriously

Are there any issues with zoning? I am allowed chickens in my suburban neighborhood but they are picky about how many. Processing them is technically illegal in my neighborhood so I would have to find somewhere to do that or else be really quiet
The vast majority of cities and counties have no restrictions on rabbits. They are usually considered small animal pets, like a guinea pig or pet rat. And processing can be done very discretely and quickly. There isn't a lot of blood, and done right, it's very quite. I can do about 10 rabbits in the same time it takes me to do one chicken, hand-plucked.
The vast majority of cities and counties have no restrictions on rabbits. They are usually considered small animal pets, like a guinea pig or pet rat. And processing can be done very discretely and quickly. There isn't a lot of blood, and done right, it's very quite. I can do about 10 rabbits in the same time it takes me to do one chicken, hand-plucked.

Sounds like that might be a good option for me. I can always just process in the garage. When we forst got our chickens we tried out a couple of meat birds but realized quickly that we simply could not have a decent sized laying flock and meat birds too. We could do maybe 2 or 3 a year. Rabbits sound much easier.
PETA is not an animal welfare group, they are an animal rights group, and believe it or not, there is a difference. They are guided by the belief that animals are equal to humans, and use this to justify the most bizarrely cruel and repulsive behavior both toward people and pets. They run one of the largest kill shelters in the country, euthanizing hundreds of otherwise healthy, adoptable pets every year because they believe death is the better option. Some numbers put their kill rate as high as 85%. They have been known to steal pets off their owner's porches to bring to these shelters. I've known several who forced a "vegan" diet on their cats, an animal that is an obligate carnivore and will die without meat.

HSUS is dedicated to the elimination of domestic animals. If you don't believe me, here are some choice quotes from their president, Wayne Pacelle:

“We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals.”

“If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don’t want to see another dog or cat born.”

And one from former their former president, Michael Fox:

“The life of an ant and that of my child should be granted equal consideration.”

PETA and the HSUS do not educate. They fear monger and spread misinformation in order to gain public support and push an absolutely delusional agenda. My other hobby, reptile keeping, has been a favorite target of theirs as my pets are strange and scary to other people, and its hard to gain public support when you don't have a cute fluffy face to stick in a camera. We've been repeatedly targeted by ludicrous legislation banning harmless pets. If you think anyone from either of those organizations would want to pat your back and shake your hand for choosing ethical meat, you are sorely mistaken. They would spit on you and call you a murderer, just the same as a poor inner city kid in a food desert who doesn't even have the option of a vegan diet, a farmers' market, regular grocery store, or anything other than the over priced, half way to expired stuff stocked in a convenience store fridge in a gas station.

Oh, which brings me to a few other handy things they overlook when pushing that great vegan diet! The demand for organic produce is actually outstripping supply, and as a result many miles of vital rain forest are being cleared out to create farmland, furthering the decline of the environment. Many produce harvesters are migrant workers who are exploited by under payment in inhumane conditions. But that's okay, because a chicken is worth more than a human. Bees, which are necessary for pollination of 90% of the country's produce that vegans like to eat, are enslaved by those mean, awful humans that steal their honey. Humans need to stop keeping bees entirely. Instead they should use agave as a sweetener, even though the harvest of agave nectar is unsustainable, and places further pressures on local pollinator species such as bats. Wait, who will pollinate the crops? Well, nature will just take care of it! Duh! And who cares if you have allergies, or other food sensitivities or medical conditions, live in a place with little to no access to fresh produce, or are just too darn poor to afford a vegan diet, you're a murdering monster who should be punished if you don't do it anyway.
THANK YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Those people are downright crazy. I was having a conversation with my mother one day about how I almost bought Organic honey at the grocery store, but then thought, "That's crazy, how do they KNOW what crops the bees feed on and that they produce ORGANIC honey as a result?" I bought the local honey instead. She said, "Well, we don't buy ORGANIC because it's better for us, we do it because it's better for the environment". I was like, NO, no that's not why I buy Organic food. I DO buy it cause it's better for us. I care about the environment too, but family first.

Quote: I get as close as I can to Organic meat, with the selection available locally to me, which sometimes is "grass fed" or "pasture raised". With no antibiotics ever. I find it funny the amount of ppl who don't know that ORGANIC is just a sticker put there by the federal government and paid heavily for by the grower. If a grower raises organic meat but doesn't want to pay Uncle Sam to claim it does, it will say something else, but be just as good. I can't claim to grow organic garden vegetables, but I do.

And one other thing that really gets me. I buy A LOT of organic produce and items at my local "cheap" grocery store (Aldi). My mother turns her nose up at them, because of the store, and goes and pays twice as much at other "uppity" stores. She's living on social security, too. Silly. She will not listen to me. It's like the difference between brands and off-brands (regular or organic). All they do is stick a can with an off-brand label on it on the conveyer belt to catch the green beans (or whatever) that still have stems on or are too long or too short for the "rich folk". SAME PRODUCT! You can literally watch a video on that. I think it's on "How It's Made".

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