Dutch hook bill ducks

The Duck Ladie

Duck Addict
9 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Hey all!
I am looking for anyone who raises and sells Dutch hook bills. I'm also looking for info from people who have raised them. How is their egg production, temperament, Foraging ability, and overall experience? I'm interested in finding some ducklings or hatching eggs to help continue this rare breed. Thanks!
Where are you located? I purchased mine from a breeder in St.Louis and one near Chattanooga, TN. I currently have 5 Hookbills and love them. They have great personalities and temperaments. My two drakes are much nicer and gentler to the girls than my former Khaki and Khaki mix drakes were. The girls lay big blue-green eggs. Mine lay daily but not in the winter except one young one. Mine live in my garden and can be seen chasing bugs. If I toss an earthworm towards the flock the Hookbill girls usually beat out the other breeds to get it (Swedish, Swedish-Khaki, Khaki-Welsh). I did find hatching them to be more difficult but it may have been my incubator.


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