Jinxed myself, actual missing duck, at least 1 injured. Any help / advice appreciated.

I was mentioned above. You got lots of good advice @KathiQuacks. I have a pekin drake that started limping 2 weeks ago. I separated him and did all the necessary Epson Salt soaks and once I could because it had come to a head, I squeezed out a ridiculously small amount of infection from within what seemed a huge bumble. I sprayed with blue Kote [my preferred antiseptic] kept him inside the duck house for a further 3 days and let him outside with the others 3 days ago. He's now limping on his other leg!!! No sign of a bumble and I think he has strained somewhere in that leg in his altercations with my white muscovy. They are each other's nemeses, and he had been saving up all his aggression towards the white muscovy for nearly 2 weeks. Silly pekin -- he is 6lbs and the white muscovy drake is my largest muscovy, weighing in at 15 pounds!!. I wouldn't have too many quarms bout keeping yours quiet and separate fora little while longer.

I love your bandana!!! another way you can keep them from biting wounds is to dress them in newborn infant t-shirts. I find that they can tread them down, stretching the neck unless I put a knot in the neck hole once they are inside the tee shirt. I pick up newborn tee-shirts
at my local thrift store, so its a cheap and effective measure to protect wounds
Her limp is better. Not great, but better. She can get around and is resting both feet on the ground, now.

Oh, I also meant to mention that a paper plate was the solution. I cut a ~3 inch hole in the center of a plate and stuck it over her head. Works like a charm.
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And her Halloween costume can be duck a l’orange 🤣

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