Eating litter??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
Flint Hill, VA
I'm new here, like so many others, and just got my baby chicks on Monday. It's been a long time since I had chickens and this has really been fun! My question is about the litter in their brood box. I've kept a base of pine shavings covered with newspaper down and have been changing the paper a gagillion times a day, but today I took the paper out so they could be on the shavings and now you'd think the chicks were at an all-you-can-eat buffet! They're enchanted by the stuff and are picking away at it, chirping gleefully. My fear is that they haven't got the good sense not to eat it, and indeed, I've seen a few ingest some. Is this going to hurt them or am I just being over-protective?
I would put paper towels down, for a few more days if possible. Are they still eating thier feed? Yes, if they ingest too much, maybe an impacted crop...malnutrition. I say...cover it back up, but not with news paper.....try paper towels. Its easier on them...not so slippery.
Thanks. I just checked back in on them and some ars snoozing, some are at the feeder - they seem to have lost interest in the shavings. Just the same, I think I'll take your advice and put down the paper towels for a few more days. It's easier to keep an eye on their poops that way anyway!
I am new too. Baby chicks came Wednesday. I bought puppy pads and they have worked great. They haven't pecked at it. If the water spills a little it is absorbed. The poo get absorbed pretty quickly too. Steph
My chicks are three weeks old and they are still picking at their pine shavings!! I can't tell if they are eating the shavings, picking through it for dropped food, or just horsing around. How can I tell if they are eating it? They are still eating their chick starter and drinking plenty of H20.
Mine aren't quite a week old. I took the paper towels out this morning, and watched them peck around a bit - but there was some spilled food in the shavings, and that seemed to be mostly what they were pecking at. They injested a few bits, but soon enough found the actual feeder and chowed down on food. Tonight, a couple have pecked around in the shavings, but they seem to be spitting out the shavings.

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