EDC - everyday carry


Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Aug 1, 2015
Thought this may garner a few unique responses compared to platforms it’s typically discussed on. What items do you carry with you on a daily or near daily basis? This can be as simple as just keys and a wallet or grow far more complex and fill a whole backpack, depending on your needs, field of employment, and life stage. What’s yours? Feel free to share photos.

Common EDC items include:
- Knives
- Wallets
- Keys
- Flashlights
- Pens
- Journals
- Watches

At one point my EDC included a pocket full of screws and nails as my shoddy chicken coop inevitably needed fixing more often than not. Said pocket often had eggs in it as well - that was less due to intent and more due to forgetfulness after egg collection. :p
I think I find more rocks in my pocket than feathers though
So do I, but those are on purpose.

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