egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

I'm glad Rosie is ok right now, and i'm sure she will be just fine in the future!! You have a big heart, god bless you!! Stay strong and i wish you the best. I will be checking back to follow Rosie's progress.

Don't write off the University of Tennessee too quickly. I think it's a research hospital/school for students in veterinary medicine. It *might not* be that expensive. Certainly worth a call if it continues to be a problem!

I'm thankful you found a vet who didn't rush to put her to sleep.
right now she is good. still in her tub in my bathroom. i went outside to catch her some grasshoppers and pick her some grass and she is LOVING the grasshoppers!!
she looks good,good color very alert all good right now. i havent looked at her bottom yet because i didnt want to take her out of the tub. i am trying to use as little of light as possible. i have a small lamp in there with very dim light and i cut that on and use a flash light and use a little light in from the window. we dont need another egg. if she tries to do another egg with this thing tied on her she could die. so i am refraining myself. i told her when i was in there a while ago(she was looking up at me like pick me up) i said this is for your good. this is hard keeping them isolated. but it is worth it for her best interest.
the3ofus+oursixchicks :

right now she is good. still in her tub in my bathroom. i went outside to catch her some grasshoppers and pick her some grass and she is LOVING the grasshoppers!!
she looks good,good color very alert all good right now. i havent looked at her bottom yet because i didnt want to take her out of the tub. i am trying to use as little of light as possible. i have a small lamp in there with very dim light and i cut that on and use a flash light and use a little light in from the window. we dont need another egg. if she tries to do another egg with this thing tied on her she could die. so i am refraining myself. i told her when i was in there a while ago(she was looking up at me like pick me up) i said this is for your good. this is hard keeping them isolated. but it is worth it for her best interest.

Thats good that she's doing well so far. Give the grasshoppers to her as a snack for her and you can also get some mealies also called mealworms to her as a tasty treat for rosey.​

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