ELI5 Why do so many ppl treat chickens expendable??

Honestly I have no clue. People think they have no other choice. Buuut, that's totally wrong. If you look it up you can find rooster sanctuaries and even people who are just starting on there chicken journey and in need of a roo. I can understand if you are eating it and not wasting. Or if you own to eat. But other then that I don't get it either. It's just so wrong.
As someone who has 9 roosters I can attest to the fact that's not always an option. I have posted mine on Craigslist, fb, and here even and nobody wanted them. I asked a lot of people I know. I've called the few sanctuaries I could find and they are full or don't want more roosters. I have the luxury and privilege of being able to keep them till I find a place for them to go but not everyone has that luxury.
Unfortunately, what else are you supposed to do with older birds or extra/aggressive males? A lot of times you can't give them away, and not everyone can/will process each and every bird. At least as Bait or soil food they're still being used
I agree to a degree, I believe that every chicken has a right to live life to the full. If they are agressive, what would I do ? Yes, despatch would be the only way to go (as with humans too perhaps 🤔) but after their death why not either bury/cremate with a little dignity for the life lost or reuse all the remains as food.
All of course is the operative word.
It’s a subject to discuss around a campfire with too much alcohol 😜
I agree to a degree, I believe that every chicken has a right to live life to the full. If they are agressive, what would I do ? Yes, despatch would be the only way to go (as with humans too perhaps 🤔) but after their death why not either bury/cremate with a little dignity for the life lost or reuse all the remains as food.
All of course is the operative word.
It’s a subject to discuss around a campfire with too much alcohol 😜
I'd say it's a lot more respectable to eat or use it as bait even then bury, bury is a waste. It gave its life just to be buried? Of course if it's I'll or unfit to eat then you'd have to bury or burn but any use is better then bury or burn if possible
Again, not everyone can just give away roosters. Sanctuaries aren't always common, and from a biosecurity point (again), some people cannot have birds leave their flocks
Ya that's why I gave options. And said if you have to. Then eat them or just make sure you use the body instead of wasting.
I'd say it's a lot more respectable to eat or use it as bait even then bury, bury is a waste. It gave its life just to be buried? Of course if it's I'll or unfit to eat then you'd have to bury or burn but any use is better then bury or burn if possible
Absolutely about the ill thing but I could no more eat one of my girls than my husband or my dogs. That’s why they get cremated. However if I didn’t have an emotional attachment to a chicken and it needed to die or died I would have no trouble eating it or feeding it to my dogs and using absolutely every part available.
Using for bait … no. That’s not what I would do personally. That brings in another debate about how to catch and kill wild animals 😊
As someone who has 9 roosters I can attest to the fact that's not always an option. I have posted mine on Craigslist, fb, and here even and nobody wanted them. I asked a lot of people I know. I've called the few sanctuaries I could find and they are full or don't want more roosters. I have the luxury and privilege of being able to keep them till I find a place for them to go but not everyone has that luxury.
That's why I said if you have no other choice then just make sure to use the whole body instead of wasting. I wasn't saying your a horrible person if you eat your birds etc... Just I personally don't think it's right to kill your bird then throw it out.
Absolutely about the ill thing but I could no more eat one of my girls than my husband or my dogs. That’s why they get cremated. However if I didn’t have an emotional attachment to a chicken and it needed to die or died I would have no trouble eating it or feeding it to my dogs and using absolutely every part available.
Using for bait … no. That’s not what I would do personally. That brings in another debate about how to catch and kill wild animals 😊
Oh ok I understand having an attachment, I meant eating them in general
I think, if it's given a good life and a humane death, used if possible(eaten, useful for bait,ect), then there shouldn't be a problem. It's different if you are neglecting them or killing them in brutal ways. I get not wanting to kill your own if you are attached but it's not right to say people treat them as expendable or that it's wrong to cull. They are chickens and chickens, as harsh as this sounds, are food animals, they can be loved pets, but their purpose is really for food. That's me tho. I clearly don't cull as if I did I wouldn't have 9 roosters..
I agree to a degree, I believe that every chicken has a right to live life to the full. If they are agressive, what would I do ? Yes, despatch would be the only way to go (as with humans too perhaps 🤔) but after their death why not either bury/cremate with a little dignity for the life lost or reuse all the remains as food.
All of course is the operative word.
It’s a subject to discuss around a campfire with too much alcohol 😜
Agreed! I like the way think! Can we add smores with said alcohol?

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