ELI5 Why do so many ppl treat chickens expendable??

I’m not wanting an argument I’m genuinely trying to understand. Why are chickens, especially roosters treated so expendable? (Not talking about broilers). I’ve seen and read so many ppl culling their chickens/unwanted roosters and throwing out the body with the garbage. Unwanted rooster, kill it, burn it or bury it. And just recently I read about a person who killed his roosters and used the body for bait. Can someone explain to me why this is acceptable? If it was a cat or dog it’d be cruelty to animals and illegal.
I suppose it depends on the person. Chickens do have lower IQ's than some other yard fowl, not that it's an excuse but, it may be a reason why some treat them less like a pet. Personally, if I had to cull a rooster, I would still do what I had to in order to eat it. Marinating in pineapple juice will tenderize the meat. Can't stand waste!

Treat all animals with respect.
I currently cannot find anyone who wants my cockerels that I desperately need gone. Anyone who does is either too far away or they are obviously abusive owners. Which scares me, because there are so many abusive owners here, including cockers. It seems I cannot find any good person who generally just wants at least one of my cockerels to have a happy life.
A fast death is far better than being given to some meth-goblin that forces 5 pound birds to fight each other
I’m not wanting an argument I’m genuinely trying to understand. Why are chickens, especially roosters treated so expendable? (Not talking about broilers). I’ve seen and read so many ppl culling their chickens/unwanted roosters and throwing out the body with the garbage. Unwanted rooster, kill it, burn it or bury it. And just recently I read about a person who killed his roosters and used the body for bait. Can someone explain to me why this is acceptable? If it was a cat or dog it’d be cruelty to animals and illegal.
This is so well said! My heart aches when I see these threads.
There are just too many roosters. Just like when an animal shelter has too many unadoptable pets they sadly get euthanized.

No one needs a nasty rooster either.

Also it depends on how someone is raised. I have a neighbor who will kill any chicken that becomes inconvenient or that she just doesn't like. And her preferred method of culling horrifies me.

And yet she would give you the shirt off her back if you were in need.
This is also well said!
I like my birds and I do get somewhat attached to them. But ehen they are no longer productive and I need to make room for younger birds, off to the processor they go. When the come back wrapped in plastic I can't tell them from a grocery store bird, so there's no emotion involved in cooking and eating them. At that point, they're just meat. And good meat, at that. Good soup, or dumplings or casserole or tacos. Good ... chicken. And the same with the cockerels. If we're going to eat chicken, and we are, it's going to be the freshest, healthiest, happiest chickens we can get our hands on. Out of our own back yard.

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