Emergency - Hen not able to walk, leg dislocated?

I don't have much advice about poor little Cupcake, unfortunately. But I'd like to recommend a feed change. Purina is an alright feed, but it has a lot of fillers and additives that are unnecessary.
I used to feed Purina, but I eventually decided to switch to Kalmbach because my hens stopped laying on Purina (they upped the glyphosates, which can stop laying). It's organic, and doesn't have all those fillers. I first introduced it mixed into their regular feed (it smells so much "tastier" than Purina, too!). You know what they did? They picked around the Purina and ate only the organic Kalmbach feed. They never touched the Purina after that. They've never had weight struggles since (some were over and underweight). They also started laying again within just a couple of weeks. Good feed is important for flock health, and "Big Brand" doesn't always mean good!
That makes sense! I've been hoping to change to another feed, although there is unfortunately the cost issue, since those other feeds are usually a whole lot more expensive and I don't have a solid income right now. But I'll see about that! I don't think that's the cause of Cupcake's issue but it should help the rest of the flock be a bit more healthy especially since we can't free range due to the large amount of predators. They haven't been laying a ton recently, and they're on the all-flock due to a rooster and some older (about8 years) non-laying hens
That makes sense! I've been hoping to change to another feed, although there is unfortunately the cost issue, since those other feeds are usually a whole lot more expensive and I don't have a solid income right now. But I'll see about that! I don't think that's the cause of Cupcake's issue but it should help the rest of the flock be a bit more healthy especially since we can't free range due to the large amount of predators. They haven't been laying a ton recently, and they're on the all-flock due to a rooster and some older (about8 years) non-laying hens

A 50lb bag of Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles or Pellets are both over $50.
The 50lb Flock Maker 20% Kalmbach feed is only $29!
Huh, the pellets for me are about $20 where I'm at. I'll check what the Kalmbach is at near me.
Wow, really? Location location I guess! I do see the actual Kalmbach Feeds grain truck driving around town, so we must have a nearby distributor, maybe that's the difference.
Huh, whaddya know, looks like their offices are in my state. Let me know what you find if you do go looking!
It actually looks like it's a pretty similar price, so I might try that! They don't have it at my normal farm and feed but they have it at like PetCo or something.
That's great to hear!
They do have a 20% Flock Maker, and that's what we feed our flock. Roosters don't need all that calcium, and it can build up in their systems over time.

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