Emu Egg Hatch-along

Here is a pic of the ducks to brighten your day!❤️ One has a little egg membrane still attached because I had to assist him/her. But three out of three is pretty good! They were moved to their new home Sunday where they will have a huge pond and plenty of duck friends when they get older.
Here is a pic of the ducks to brighten your day!❤️ One has a little egg membrane still attached because I had to assist him/her. But three out of three is pretty good! They were moved to their new home Sunday where they will have a huge pond and plenty of duck friends when they get older.View attachment 4069996
On a side note, I instructed the people how to properly remove the membrane with some warm water.
Gosh I weighed mine midweek and they are still losing too much weight. I had put a larger water well in but then it was saying that the humidity was too high like 46% so I put the smaller one back in which says about 35% I guess I’ll just put the bigger one in and leave it. I could fill the water well in the incubator but it’s quite large. I could also close off the little vent, but I thought the oxygen was so important for the eggs so I have left it open (the hole is very small, pea sized or smaller.) I’ll at least close it off halfway I suppose.

The 4 eggs that have been in for 11ish days are all leaning now. I know that doesn’t really mean a whole lot because growing or not, they will lean.


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Maybe you could use the dremel again and make a window to see if you can see veining?? Then you would know for sure, and if it isn’t developed then take it out and enjoy your trip without worrying!

I hope you have a wonderful time, that is so exciting about the next chicks!!!!
I ended up just leaving it in, ran out of time before we left to do anything 😅
Hopefully it doesn't blow up or anything but it wasn't stinking at all yet.
Thank you!
Oh and I have 6 eggs now! The incubator is very full so I’m going to just stick with the six and pray that one or two will hatch!!
Wow, so exciting! What days are they all on? Fingers crossed! 🤞
Hold the egg and bring it up to your ear in a motion like you are taking a drink. Not fast, but not too slow. Do this a few times and see if you feel or hear a slosh. That's what I did and how I knew for sure on this egg and others from last year.
I tried this before we left, I didn't feel or hear anything. Amazing they can go so long in there without exploding.
Wow! All those breeds, so fun! I hope you all have a safe and fun trip!
Thanks! Yeah, I can't wait. It's been good so far!
Here is a pic of the ducks to brighten your day!❤️ One has a little egg membrane still attached because I had to assist him/her. But three out of three is pretty good! They were moved to their new home Sunday where they will have a huge pond and plenty of duck friends when they get older.View attachment 4069996
Oh my, too cute! What breeds are they?
Gosh I weighed mine midweek and they are still losing too much weight. I had put a larger water well in but then it was saying that the humidity was too high like 46% so I put the smaller one back in which says about 35% I guess I’ll just put the bigger one in and leave it. I could fill the water well in the incubator but it’s quite large. I could also close off the little vent, but I thought the oxygen was so important for the eggs so I have left it open (the hole is very small, pea sized or smaller.) I’ll at least close it off halfway I suppose.

The 4 eggs that have been in for 11ish days are all leaning now. I know that doesn’t really mean a whole lot because growing or not, they will lean.
Maybe just let it be higher. It really depends a lot on the porosity of the eggs and even the elevation of where they were laid, nutrition of the parents, etc.
I'd go off the weights more than what the readout is. I'd leave all of the vents open fully. Air is definitely super important.
So did the egg hatch?
Mine did not, no. But there are several others here incubating eggs!
I ended up just leaving it in, ran out of time before we left to do anything 😅
Hopefully it doesn't blow up or anything but it wasn't stinking at all yet.
Thank you!

Wow, so exciting! What days are they all on? Fingers crossed! 🤞

I tried this before we left, I didn't feel or hear anything. Amazing they can go so long in there without exploding.

Thanks! Yeah, I can't wait. It's been good so far!

Oh my, too cute! What breeds are they?

Maybe just let it be higher. It really depends a lot on the porosity of the eggs and even the elevation of where they were laid, nutrition of the parents, etc.
I'd go off the weights more than what the readout is. I'd leave all of the vents open fully. Air is definitely super important.

Mine did not, no. But there are several others here incubating eggs!
Right now I’m going to try to keep it around 45% humidity, at least for a bit, so that they can slow down on the weight loss. Four of the eggs are around day 12 and 2 of the eggs around day 5. The day 5 eggs had lost more % than the day 13 eggs. So I am just going to keep it higher. The ambient air here is so dry that I’d guess that has something to do with it. I will keep the little vent open and just hope that too much damage hasn’t already been done. I’ll weigh them again on Friday.

I hope your trip is awesome!! If you get back and no emu chick has hatched, maybe you can blow out the egg shell (assuming that it never started developing) - that would be really cool!
I ended up just leaving it in, ran out of time before we left to do anything 😅
Hopefully it doesn't blow up or anything but it wasn't stinking at all yet.
Thank you!

Wow, so exciting! What days are they all on? Fingers crossed! 🤞

I tried this before we left, I didn't feel or hear anything. Amazing they can go so long in there without exploding.

Thanks! Yeah, I can't wait. It's been good so far!

Oh my, too cute! What breeds are they?

Maybe just let it be higher. It really depends a lot on the porosity of the eggs and even the elevation of where they were laid, nutrition of the parents, etc.
I'd go off the weights more than what the readout is. I'd leave all of the vents open fully. Air is definitely super important.

Mine did not, no. But there are several others here incubating eggs!
They are mallards! A friend from our church has some mallards and they just started laying eggs this year so they wanted to see if we could hatch some for them. For first time layers this year they had a great fertility rate. Out of 12 eggs all of them were fertile, sadly only 3 made it to hatch day. We would have had 4 but the fourth egg had a hairline crack in it and scrambled the yolk so that duck died sadly🥺 but we had 3 healthy cute babies that were sweet hearts!
My eggs are at 2 weeks (#1-4) and 1 week today (#5-6).

All have lost a little too much weight, however a few days ago I started keeping the humidity at 45% instead of 30% and they are slowing in their loss. I’ll keep them around 45% humidity until they are close to the target weight loss then I will try to find a way to maintain 40%.

All of the eggs are leaning, even the 1 week eggs are starting to lean. I am hoping that may be a good sign… could that mean that the air cells are in tact and in the right spot? Or does it not really mean anything at all lol.

About two more weeks and I hope to see some wiggles on the first 4 🤞

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