Exciting New Brinsea App Controlled Incubator - Testers Journey!

I just fired up the Brinsea Connect for an emergency egg. The incubator asked if I wanted to update Y or N. I clicked Y and it said it was downloading and shows a progress bar on the screen.

I'm seeing the humidity pump working so we'll see how it compares to get it up to 70%.
Ooh, I'll have to fire mine up and do the update!

@TwoCrows send some stern "do not set eggs" my way please... I mean, the incubator is going to be on... I have some eggies that could easily jump right in :ya
It did hit 70%!

Duck Reaction GIF

Yep, we're on again!

Yesterday, while over two hours from home, I landed 14 free exhibition-quality silkie eggs with questionable fertility. I don't care how questionable they are, and I will be tickled even if only one hatches. This guy has won nationally with his silkies, so when his unwanted eggs land in my car, well, what can I say?

Drive fast honey, we're incubating!! :celebrate
View attachment 3954280

Yep, we're on again!

Yesterday, while over two hours from home, I landed 14 free exhibition-quality silkie eggs with questionable fertility. I don't care how questionable they are, and I will be tickled even if only one hatches. This guy has won nationally with his silkies, so when his unwanted eggs land in my car, well, what can I say?

Drive fast honey, we're incubating!! :celebrate

Great, looking forward to watching how your hatch goes Debbie!
View attachment 3954280

Yep, we're on again!

Yesterday, while over two hours from home, I landed 14 free exhibition-quality silkie eggs with questionable fertility. I don't care how questionable they are, and I will be tickled even if only one hatches. This guy has won nationally with his silkies, so when his unwanted eggs land in my car, well, what can I say?

Drive fast honey, we're incubating!! :celebrate

Film GIF

I hope that "questionable" fertility ends up being that all hatch!
Film GIF

I hope that "questionable" fertility ends up being that all hatch!
We almost hit a deer when we got close to home, so I'm sure slamming the brakes so hard didn't do them any favors. Less jumbling than USPS does, though. :lau

But just in case, I treated them like shipped eggs by putting them all in egg cartons and setting them in the basement. They sat down there about 18 hours before I set them late this morning.
View attachment 3954280

Yep, we're on again!

Yesterday, while over two hours from home, I landed 14 free exhibition-quality silkie eggs with questionable fertility. I don't care how questionable they are, and I will be tickled even if only one hatches. This guy has won nationally with his silkies, so when his unwanted eggs land in my car, well, what can I say?

Drive fast honey, we're incubating!! :celebrate
:ya :woot

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