*Eyes Of The Phoenix* A Wild Chicken RP

Rose saw Eerie and Fern chatting and decide to join them. As Rose settled down beside them she said, "You would make a great mother, Eerie." She caught Eerie's eye, and saw a little bit of embarrassment there, but it quickly vanished and was replaced with love. Fern's wing was brushing against Rose's as she reached for a leaf to add to her "nest". "I can't wait for a new batch." Rose sighed dreamily, then added, "Your last was so beautiful."
Rose saw Eerie and Fern chatting and decide to join them. As Rose settled down beside them she said, "You would make a great mother, Eerie." She caught Eerie's eye, and saw a little bit of embarrassment there, but it quickly vanished and was replaced with love. Fern's wing was brushing against Rose's as she reached for a leaf to add to her "nest". "I can't wait for a new batch." Rose sighed dreamily, then added, "Your last was so beautiful."
Eerie was a little taken aback by Rose’s compliment, but as she thought about it she realized Rose was right. She would love to be a mother.
She cleared her throat, and then said, “I’ll let you two in on a little secret: I’ve actually been thinking about it. Having chicks. I never thought I’d want to, but…instincts just take over sometimes.”
Cloud looked around, trees creaked around her. She sneezed from the smell of fungi. Above she could see a white tipped tail. Thinking it was a intruder, Cloud flew up with an aggressive squawk.
Cave finished preening her black and buff feathers when she heard another hen squawk. Stretching her neck out, she eyed around and spotted Cloud.
Eerie was a little taken aback by Rose’s compliment, but as she thought about it she realized Rose was right. She would love to be a mother.
She cleared her throat, and then said, “I’ll let you two in on a little secret: I’ve actually been thinking about it. Having chicks. I never thought I’d want to, but…instincts just take over sometimes.”
Rose thought about this, then sudden curiosity made her speak up, "Who do you think the father would be?"
Cloud landed on the branch clumsily. And when she straightened up on the branch, she realized it was Cave. "Oh, it's you" She said with amusement.
"Yes? It's me." She sorta chuckled. "Why? Who'd you think I was?"
"Um, no one special." She said nervously. I'm so stupid, she scolded herself. I should have knew he wouldn't be over here.
"Stupid?" Cave asked fluttering over to Cloud. Cave, herself, was indeed smart for a chicken, so she couldn't understand what that word was like. "Who? Who wouldn't be here?"

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