Failed attempt at a rooster flock

My rooster flock is small - only 6 at high times, less now as I have exchanged 2 of my nicely laced wyandottes with a breeder for some isa brown hens. Most of them were the same hatch, but not all. Even with the ones that from the same hatch, there was a 2-3 months difference between the first and last one when they were reallocated to the farm.

There were fights and there were blood, but there has NOT been even one death or permanent injury. The wounds were minor and would recover within a couple of weeks. Of course I have taken precautions, new birds were not just thrown into the coop.

If you do not want see any blood, then keeping a few unrelated cockerels in the same flock is not a good option. Cockerels/roosters fight, and do so to be high on the pecking order, but most docile domestic breeds of roosters are not dumb enough to fight to death. Once they are sick and tired of getting hurt and injured, they will automatically avoid any real confrontations.
Well whatever I do with the boys, for now I've changed things around and made a more secure fence between everyone.
I'll keep it as it is for now, I think that's the best option for right at this moment in time and keep reminding myself that it doesn't need to be absolutely perfect and doesn't have to happen right now.

Thank you for everyone's input, there are so many different ways to do things and no point stressing myself out as long as the boys are comfortable enough 🙂
Well whatever I do with the boys, for now I've changed things around and made a more secure fence between everyone.
I'll keep it as it is for now, I think that's the best option for right at this moment in time and keep reminding myself that it doesn't need to be absolutely perfect and doesn't have to happen right now.

Thank you for everyone's input, there are so many different ways to do things and no point stressing myself out as long as the boys are comfortable enough 🙂
hope increasing the size of the coop will solve your problem! Those roosters are gorgeous!
I have 2 free-range roosters, Mr Boss Man and Mr White. They are both very gentle towards humans. The problem is they are both in love with the same 27 free-range hens. Mr White has learned to be romantically sneaky and to run very fast!!!
I have 2 free-range roosters, Mr Boss Man and Mr White. They are both very gentle towards humans. The problem is they are both in love with the same 27 free-range hens. Mr White has learned to be romantically sneaky and to run very fast!!!
My flock was over mated so I gave one of my roosters to a friend with 30 hens.They'reting feathers on their backs and looking better
So my boy Rusty (1 year and 7 months old, Pekin x Ameraucana, used to be human aggressive but without hens is now a cuddlebug)
View attachment 3908063
He was getting lonely so I picked up two 7 month old roo brothers, Chester and Charlie, Faverolle x Red Shaver.
View attachment 3908065

I had them separate but within sight for a couple weeks and then I let them loose.
I expected blood and was supervising closely.
It didn't go well.

This is the pen they were released into, 42m of poultry fencing surrounding my cabin and the covered small pen they were in.
View attachment 3908062

Charlie had no interest in fighting and spent the time alarmed and trying to break it up, only to run as fast as his legs could carry him when one of the others turned on him.
It would seem that Rusty and Chester are unfortunately equally matched in their dominance and though Chester was the clear victor each time they fought he would continue to persue Rusty and I would have to stop him.
Rusty would keep coming back.

I separated everyone when Rusty broke a rear claw and it took me 40mins to stop the bleeding.

Clearly Chester and Rusty won't ever get along, my question is what to do now?

Chester and Charlie get along happily, cuddling together at night.

The pen is halved, Spring starts in a month and Rusty and Chester still want to fight.

Do I attempt to rehome the brothers and try to find another companion for Rusty?
Try to keep Charlie and rehome Chester? (that would be sad to see since they get along so well)
Keep the two brothers and try again after their first breeding season has passed and hormones calm a little bit?

I am at such a loss, I imagine I made a few mistakes in my choices during all this too.
Roosters are going to fight if they don't have at lest five to ten hens EACH... I would keep Rusty and try to rehome the brothers. They will likely be fighting each other soon. If you can, get some girls for Rusty.

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