Ended Fall on the Farm Photo Contest

Looney Tunes Nothing To See Here GIF

This contest is now closed. Winners will be announced ASAP. Thank you to everyone that entered. There were a lot of nice photos with adorable critters, and pets. Good luck everyone. :)

The judges have finished judging, and we have our winners!
@Gumby the gelding, @ChickenTenderKesha, @CHlCKEN, & @Jmae
First Place - @Gumby the gelding

Second Place - @ChickenTenderKesha
Entry #1 - Sophia (Lab X Cane Corso) and Rosie (Holden Retriever) and their, albeit short, fall photo shoot!

Most likely the only entry I submit as the chickens got at the pumpkins the day of this photoshoot, thankfully after I got only a few half decent shots of two highly active dogs :lol:

Third Place - @CHlCKEN

Fourth Place - @Jmae
This is Jade 🤗

@Gumby the gelding, @ChickenTenderKesha, @CHlCKEN, & @Jmae, I will be sending you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!
thank you.png

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of your entries!!!! :bow:clap
Great job everyone, this was so much fun!! :wee

~ Shout out to all judges who took the time to judge this contest. I know it was incredibly difficult to judge, and I appreciate all of you! ~

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