Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Ugh, why am I still up? Gotta be on the road by 6 am. Van is already packed with 11 ducks and one OEGB cockerel. Going to try to grab two rabbits before I go. Put out food for all the birds before coming in so all I have to do in the morning is release them from the coops. Only the rabbits will need to be fed.

Small livestock sale in a town about an hour away. Hope I manage to sell everything.
Best wishes at the sale!
Best wishes at the sale!
Went not as planned... Kinda lost money?

Sold three scovies right off the bat, and my OEGB cockerel, then nothing for the rest of the morning. I ended up trading the remaining six scovies and one quacker for two calls and four cochin banties. At least they'll eat less!

Did I mention *losing* money? Well, that's because I bought a pair of Rex bunnies, and two other scovies, lol! Oh, and stupidly bought four mixed chicks because the guy was desperate and threw in the cage.

How cold did it get over night? We had 6C this morning!
I didn't check, I didn't want to become depressed!
Went not as planned... Kinda lost money?

Sold three scovies right off the bat, and my OEGB cockerel, then nothing for the rest of the morning. I ended up trading the remaining six scovies and one quacker for two calls and four cochin banties. At least they'll eat less!

Did I mention *losing* money? Well, that's because I bought a pair of Rex bunnies, and two other scovies, lol! Oh, and stupidly bought four mixed chicks because the guy was desperate and threw in the cage.

I didn't check, I didn't want to become depressed!
At least the Rex will have nice hides if you breed for meat

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