Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Are you going to keep Chill?
I've gotten very attached to him, especially since I rescued his half-trampled and cold egg from the coop and managed to get him hatched. If he had been 'normal' I would definitely keep him, and I'm still on the fence now. It's not genetic, it's the result of an injury.

Not gonna lie, he's my favourite out of all my males from this year. So, chances are that yes, I'll keep him. :oops: Even though he may just be a food drain.
I've gotten very attached to him, especially since I rescued his half-trampled and cold egg from the coop and managed to get him hatched. If he had been 'normal' I would definitely keep him, and I'm still on the fence now. It's not genetic, it's the result of an injury.

Not gonna lie, he's my favourite out of all my males from this year. So, chances are that yes, I'll keep him. :oops: Even though he may just be a food drain.
That's more what I meant, was he pet material or potluck material right now. I get the 'food drain pet'though, I have a few of those
That's more what I meant, was he pet material or potluck material right now. I get the 'food drain pet'though, I have a few of those
I seem to be starting a Home for Deformed Ducks! I also have Derpy, the quacker with the severely crossed bill.


Those are down feathers on his tongue. :lau
Idk those don't look quite right for pastel. But it looks like they are in the middle of juvie molt so.. hard to tell.
May just be a non standard color.
That's my confusi[n too. They look just close enough to my pastel pair, but there's just something off. I'm more confident on one of them than the other one

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