Faverolles Thread

yep, 6 from Henry, and 6 coming from McCallum's Flock down in Texas.

i'm having an issue with the eggs i put under Chloe. i tried to pry her off them earlier tonight to try and candle a few to see how they were doing and i noticed that a few of the eggs were gooey from something. then i noticed it was from a broken egg. i lifted her off and noticed that there were only 8 eggs where there should have been 9! then i looked at her and noticed that there was half an eggshell stuck to her underside. eeewww
i tried to candle a couple but it might be too early or they are not developing at all.

i'm not sure if she cracked it to eat because it was a dud or if it broke under her. i got to candle a couple of eggs but i'm afraid none are going to develope now.
do i bring her in to clean her up or will that cool her down too much to stay broody?

some good news but not faverolles related, my LF lt brahma eggs look like they are fertile (my roo is a bantam)!
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OKAY Mrs. K...how did I miss this...I didn't think you had Favs? Are they standard or bantam? I know the quality of your birds, so I'm sure your Favs are gorgeous!
Where's pics?
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As you know, I lost all my birds last December including my small Bantam Faverolle flock and the Standard babies I had just hatched from Jamie McCallum's eggs. I decided to try for birds this time because I wanted to see what I was getting. Leisha Comer sent me a trio in September they were only 3 months old so they are right on schedule for layin, winter or not. Love those sweet little birds.

LOL, I finally feel complete with my favorite regular feathered chickens in my yard again.
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The new salmon cockeral from Jeff Oxley will be through quarentine in about 3 weeks my ladies are laying like crazy so if you want to trade and your ladies are laying more then I will have pure salmons.

Yep! I have an extra standard SF roo in with my layer flock...he is covering 12 ladies, and I am getting 95-100% fertility! I've hatched 5 chicks from this coop, and all but one had 5 toes and feathered legs!!

eta: my layer flock consists of 4 Wyandottes, 4 EEs, 1BO, 1BR, 1BA, 1SF.
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Just to let everyone know Leisha is now the president of the Faverolles Fanciers club the current president stepped down. Hope everyone finds ways to chip in I would love to see the club grow and thrive in the new year.


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