Faverolles Thread

buffbeauty - trying to send you a PM, but your inbox is full.....
Off topic here, but she was proud so thought I'd share!

This is a pic of my daughter Annslee's science fair project board. She is in third grade. We hatched to sets of chicks (same breed - bantam faverolles- it's what I had on hand) and fed 2 different groups 2 types of feed. Group A got regular ol chick starter 20% protein, Group B got game bird starter 28% protein. we then took and inital group weight and and weekly weight. We were only able to weigh for a month due to time constraints but low and behold guess which group gained the most weight..... yep the game bird starter group. Bt almost twice the weight. Wouldnt say it's a completely reliable test group, but interesting how significant our results were. Anyhow here is our pretty board!
Wow - great job! What a nice display! I'm starting an "experiment" of my own - having ALL of my birds on Purina flock raiser - it's 20%. I've been talking to a lot of people over the past year about the protein levels vs. the heritage breed/meat breed thing, and the consensus was that those breeds can handle, and probably should have, a slightly higher protein. As long as I make sure the hens have plenty of calcium supply, it should be good. I do have primarily heavy LF. The favs, and now some cornish, are my only bantams - again, heavy breeds.

I wonder what that level of protein does to their kidneys, etc? I'd be very interested to know the effects. Not that I'm planning to raise my protein that high.
Just got an email from Dave Wulff about the Crossroads catalog. Our National ad needs to be to him by June 15th. So if anyone is wanting to donate an award, please do so now. Please PM me with what you want to donate to. I would really like to have it in by June 1st. I hope everyone has their hotel room, I heard they are going fast.
Happy Hatching
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Hi people.

My incubator is freeing up this weekend and I NEED some Faverolle eggs.


Must be from lower east coast-ish area (so they don't have to travel too far)
Large fowl
Any colors, I'd love a variety of accepted colors or even projects
Show quality potential - no hatchery blood
Friendly healthy birds

I'm also looking for large fowl Brahmas with the same stipulations so if anyone breeds both that would be great and would save a ton on shipping!

Thanks, just PM me if you would.
I have all of mine on flock raiser. I have no problems. Some of my birds are 8 years old too.
Alot of people down here feed game bird feed year round. Now not sure how much protein the adult game bird has but since the starter is 28% I'm sure it's over 20%. I feed a 20% layer crumble and mine do great.
I'm still looking for some bantam favs
having a hard time finding quality. I'm in central ok does anyone know where I can get quality favs? Color doesn't much matter as much as quality. Doesn't have to be a show bird but needs the standard characteristics. Not hatchery stock. Please help!

Did I mention I want GOOD quality? Lol

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