Why don't you love the Blue Jays? We love them here. They get so excited about the peanuts.Our squirrels here are quite chubby, they eat bird seed that falls from the feeders or gets swept from the feeders by those annoying blue jays. We put out a lot of suet for wood peckers and any bird that will go after it. We have Downy, Hairy, Red bellied, Pileated. We also put out black oil sunflower and a seed mix for the Juncos and Finches.
A lot of Purple finch have hung around all winter, they usually are just fall and spring. And the Juncos all winter this year, though not as many as come through spring and fall.
Chickadees and Nuthatch always, and the annoying Blue jays.
Crows too, I love them. Cardinals, don't see many these days/years.
Turkeys, now and then... as the ice starts to melt we'll see Bald eagles daily. Trumpeter swans too, all them looking for fish that didn't make it through the winter.