Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

:lau   You are just plain ornery!!

Lisa :)

Those feet look kinda good. I suppose you have to spit the bones out. lol It would be like eating tiny tiny pig feet. I haven't had pig feet in over a year, got sick on them. Yuck! Once you get sick on something it's just not the same. LOL
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WOW what a GREAT day! Not to windy here, nice and sunny but cool! Me and DD went and dropped of a bunch of toddler books at Goodwill. Sorry to see them go, but I hope they find good new homes. Now we have more room for chapter books. Then we went to lunch and got our hair cut. Next, washed my car at one of those "bays". I spent $8 on an automatic one last week and it did not even put a dent in all the cedar pollen. Spent $7 at the "bay" and it looks great. Wish I could was at home, nothing works better than a bucket and sponge, but I am on rain water with a dirt drive way. I think that is the only thing I miss about living in town

Went to Tractor Supply to get some chicken feed and BOSS, meet a nice couple with some Bull Terriers, so sweet. Came home and finished detailing the car, she is old (11) but she still cleans up nicely. Then went to work cleaning around the coops. When I got rid of all my other birds over the summer the coops kind of became "storage"...Had to toss a almost full bag of scratch and Manna (what a waste), it had gotten wet and could not risk feeding it to my new girls. The new girls were by my side the whole time waiting each time I lifted something to get some tasty treats

Now I am on BYC catching up, then will go through my coupons and get them organized for the next week. All and All, God has blessed me with a wonderful day
sometimes it is just the little things that can make you feel so happy!
WBF, was wondering about Rodney's comb and if it were getting better or worse? Got any good pics of it?

My new roo was really being shown the ropes about foraging today by the hens and he really looked like he was picking it up well. I also saw them teaching him about running through the open spaces instead of walking through them so as to not be preyed upon from above. He's getting faster on his feet day by day. Might make a free ranger out of him yet!
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WBF, was wondering about Roger's comb and if it were getting better or worse?  Got any good pics of it? 

My new roo was really being shown the ropes about foraging today by the hens and he really looked like he was picking it up well.  I also saw them teaching him about running through the open spaces instead of walking through them so as to not be preyed upon from above.  He's getting faster on his feet day by day.  Might make a free ranger out of him yet! 

Good evening, Bee !

I've been away for a couple days and haven't even seen Rodney or the girls since Friday. I was checking out his comb on Friday and it definitely looks better. I ended up putting two doses of CO on his comb after the frostbite and although it may never be what it was before the frostbite, I truly believe it helped prevent further damage. I'll definitely try and get a pic tomorrow and post it here.

I was watching Rodney on Friday afternoon for a few minutes and he's learning more everyday how to be a gentleman and look after his harem... He found something tasty in the grass and made the call for the ladies to come partake. When they reached him he picked up the treat and kept dropping it for them so they would get the hint to take it ! He'll make a man out of himself sooner or later :gig :lau
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