Fight! Fight! 4 wk olds **pics**

LoL my girls spar like that! Both are pullets but they race around the yard wings flapping and then end up crashing into each other! It is so funny. Never anything serious, but they really do bump chests! GREAT pictures!
I have crazy bantam Cochins... They have incredible attitudes sometimes. One day one of the girls was on the war path - pecking & chasing anybody in her line of sight. She decided to pick a fight with my australorp/buff orp girl... They were making a ruckus, and my lav orp roo I had finally came running over, went in between the girls facing the Cochin. He litterally stomped his foot and made a dinosaur noise at her
He did not even touch her, but he got his point across, and she finally quit her tirade
it was hilarious to see, and I couldn't believe I was witnessing a rooster litterally yelling at a hen!!
Wish I couldve gotten great pics of it like you guys did!!
"the staredown" is one of the funniest things when my girls are out ranging...and the chest bumping sessions are hilarious! Sometimes that look in their eyes scares

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