With the high demand for chickens and major hatcheries nearly sold out, I recently went online to search for specific high-producing egg layers like ISA Browns, NovoGen, and other prolific breeds. Surprisingly, I found very few sources offering point-of-lay or already mature laying hens, e
Even day old chicks. I’d appreciate anyone who has any available especially if they are in or can ship to Utah.

One of the only places I came across that still has availability is Heavenly Acres Farms, located in Kemp, Texas. However, I haven’t been able to find any reviews about them.
If anyone has purchased from them or has any feedback, I’d love to hear your experience. Here’s their website: https://heavenlyacresfarms.com.

Looking forward to your insights!
Local feed stores are starting to get chicks, but they sell out as soon as they hit the bins. If you put in a paid order ahead of time, most will pull your chicks before they put the rest out for sale. Some places with online sites will even pack your order separately and deliver them free to your local store. All you have to do is pick them up.
Good Luck!

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