First Egg Countdown

Does anyone know what the chances are of slate legged EEs to lay blue eggs? I know the pea comb is related to the blue egg gene but between willow and slate legsdoes that play a part in it. Can anyone with EE already laying let us know their experiences?

Ill also try to post in the easter eggers braggers thread
The leg coloring has less to do with it than the comb does. Although the slate coloration tells you that your bird is more closely related to the Ameraucana bloodlines than the diluted willow-legged birds. So I guess that's something. My slate-legged EE Iti gives me mint pastel green eggs. She takes the whole Easter thing super serious.

And welcome KristinMarie, those are some gorgeous birds! I really like your EE!
I was thinking just the same thing the other day. I'm imagining him on vacation, under some palm-trees and sipping on a straw out of a coconut somewhere. Maybe with a chicken beside him ^_^.

And 7 Biddies, if you want a good giggle at a fluffy baby with a hilarious name, I need to find you a picture of Ivan the Terrible. It's the fattest, fluffiest Buff Orp chick you've ever seen a BYCer post a pic about. I freakin die laughing at that poor chick every time I see it. Hrm.... a little digging is in order

Oh! I definitely want to see a photo of Ivan. Sounds like a real hunk!
Well not quiet a week since they started laying. Avg. 3 eggs a day, have 4 hens
some one is slacking off.
I have 6 nest boxes and they only lay in one. Just seems strange, but, we are talking about chickens. Right. LOL
My FBCM finally started laying today. Was not sure it was her in the nest. I had to do a head count and look at all my other ladies to make sure it was her. She did not even sit in the nest to lay the egg she just stood up in the nest for a few minutes and out pops the egg. Had to make sure it was not cracked or broken. Will have to line my nest with some soft hay if she keep standing to lay eggs. The egg is as small as my bantam cochin eggs. Hope they get bigger. Now I am waiting on my other FBCM hen to lay. They are the same age. Hopefully soon.
I have pictures pullets are 17 weeks.

Gerti she started squating yesterday, Buff Orpington

Penny is one of my Buff Orpingtons

Josephine Black Australorp

Pearl is my White Orpington

These guys are so hard to get pictures of.
We got our first egg this afternoon. The girls were hanging around the Hen house not a common thing for them. When my daughter came home from Golf we went to look for the egg. It is small like a bantam egg. I hope they get bigger. One down and 3 more to go.

If a hen lays a double yolker when she first starts laying does that mean she is likely to lay double yolkers throughout her career?
Not necessarily. A double yolked egg results when two yolks are released about the same time, or when one yolk is lost into the body cavity for a day and is picked up by the funnel when the next day's yolk is released. A hen just starting to lay will go thru an adjustment period until her hormones and body get into rhyme. The time from ovulation to laying is usually slightly more than 24 hours. About 1/2 hour after a hen has laid an egg, she releases another yolk, and it will start all over again. You may find that she could have a yolk-less egg or even an egg within an egg until her body regulates. Her first eggs will be smaller at first and will reach normal size after about 4 weeks.
We got our first egg today!

It's small and shaped like a torpedo. We were so excited! Our hens are RIR, and were hatched on March 3. My husband wants to save the shell, so I'm going to put holes in the end and blow into it to remove the yolks. Yay!

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