First Egg Countdown

It's my barred rock! I caught her this morning she laid the first egg a week ago then 2 in a row!! Woohoo!!!!
(Left to right: third egg second and first )
You gonna eat those eggs?

I tease a bit, because no one here wanted to eat the first egg. It was over a day old when I just decided to soft boil it, then I made both my guys take a bite.
Today we had two eggs, and four saved up from the last few days, so suddenly no one felt as if they needed to "save" the eggs for a special occasion, and we all had eggs and fried 'taters for breakfast. YUMMY!
Thanks Happy Chooks. My next question do we wash them properly?
If you choose to wash them, then wash them in water warmer than the egg. Then they must be refrigerated.

I do not wash mine. I keep my nests clean, so my eggs are clean. On the rare occasion that I do get a dirty one, it gets washed and used first. If it's really dirty (which doesn't happen much), it goes to the dog.
The one on the far left looks different from the other 2.  You may have 2 girls laying.  Congrats!

Well I had two more mature ones but I only have one now she sadly hopped over our fence and something took her (not sure what though) she was a New Hampshire red but she never squatted or anything my barred is the only squatter..
Well guess what?? Another egg this afternoon! My husband rushed in and said there's something wrong with your chickens! They are making a huge noise and fuss. I ran out and to the coop expecting to see carnage and a predator and thought about grabbing a weapon on my way. I opened the door and they were dust bathing and having a grand time. I was surprised and relieved.

Suddenly i saw the egg on the floor! Lol.
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