First Egg Countdown

I swear my chickens are stupid lol! I had a golf ball in there forever-I am using more real looking ceramic eggs and hoping that works!
They aren't stupid. Pullets new to laying pace back and forth to the boxes, and sometimes they don't make it back in time. I have had first eggs in many strange places (like under the feeder), but they all make it to the nest boxes within a couple of weeks. They have to learn the feeling of the egg coming and when to get to the box.
They aren't stupid. Pullets new to laying pace back and forth to the boxes, and sometimes they don't make it back in time. I have had first eggs in many strange places (like under the feeder), but they all make it to the nest boxes within a couple of weeks. They have to learn the feeling of the egg coming and when to get to the box.
You are right! :) I think two have found the nests today! :) I just love the slight variation in these brown eggs. <3 I thought my girls would never lay people-they will, and they appear to be starting all at same time! Mine are on the older spectrum, around 30 weeks, but they matured during short days, and we did not add light...hang in there everyone! :) :)
So I'm not sure how relevant this is, but my hens are now into their 3rd week of laying (I have now had 16 eggs in the first 15 days). Until 3 days ago, none of my upper 5 boxes were used (I have 10 boxes, 5 over 5). As of today, all 5 upper boxes have been "nested", iows someone got in them and moved the straw around to make them comfy. No eggs in these upper boxes, but they've clearly decided those upper boxes should make good laying spots. I'm glad to see this as it means they are comfortable with them.

Prior to yesterday, I'd only had 2 broken eggs, but yesterday I had 2 (as well as 2 good eggs). Wondering if that's just weak shells, or should I start checking more often (to prevent other hens from stepping on eggs already in the box?)

Oh, btw, I got a 91g egg...looked like a duck had 3 yolks. So out of my 16 eggs, one was double yolk, and another triple, does that suggest I will get these frequently (or 2 outta 16 in the future?)

It's possible the shells are weak and getting crushed when others go in there to lay. or they could be fighting over a favorite box. No matter how many nest boxes you have, one will always be the favorite.

As for double and triple yolkers, they are common in new layers. Once their bodies adjust, you will rarely get them.
Well one of my Banty's laid their first egg yesterday. Not a clue who it was but it's tiny and so cute! Was great seeing two eggs in the nesting box :-D Have not had any trouble with them laying outside the boxes.

The columbian wyandotte is laying!!!! :) I know this because I went out to the coop with a flash light to see which one of my red stars is laying from roost and I saw that she laid a roost egg tonight! Bummed she dropped it but giddy over the pale peachy color! So pretty. She started squatting two days ago :)

Can anyone tell me why her egg is the same color on the inside? Isn't it supposed to be white on the inside?
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