First Egg :D

I got completely attacked by chicken math -- originally wanted 5 chickens, we have 3 Jersey Giants and 2 Cream Legbars who are 18 weeks old this week.

The next week, we bought 2 Easter Eggers and 1 Sapphire Splash and 1 Sapphire Gem (down to 1 Easter Egger, 1 is in Quarantine)

the next week, we got 3 Starlight Olive Eggers and 1 Sapphire Gem

You have to buy 4 from Tractor Supply 🤷‍♀️ LOL

THEN -- weeks later - I wanted different breeds.

So, 2 Silver-Laced Wyandottes and 2 Easter Egger (straight runs) -- from that batch, only 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte is left. Both straight run easter eggers were Cockerels and aggressive ones, too. They're separated. We still have them, have no idea what we're gonna do with them. I cannot kill things. Nope. 1 SLW I lost to a Cooper's Hawk. (The other one, I rescued FROM a Cooper's Hawk the same day. That little chicken LOVES me <3)

Then, a few days after those, I got my last batch from a hatchery (chicks via the mail) - 2 Black Copper Marans, 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and 1 Buff Orpington (who is afflicted with Fowl Pox but is doing alright so far)

Crazy chicken times at our farm. BUT I LOVE EVERY SECOND :D
Amazing! If I had the room I would have way more than 4 of them but we live right in town so we are sticking to 4 right now!
We have an olive egger, BCM, crested cream legbar and a rainbow layer!
Our rainbow layer has a cross beak and requires extra care so she takes enough time for like 5 healthy chickens 😅
Because she is special needs and has been handled a ton she is VERY friendly. Her new thing is to try and follow me into the house any chance she gets 🤣
We completely understand about eggcitment! We truly are happy for you. What is amazing, is it is still ridiculously fun 20+ years later, when you get those first eggs!

With that much upheaval - do not worry if she does not lay again for a few days. Changes like that can interfere with laying - or she might lay again tomorrow, and the next day - those eggs were in the pipe so to speak, and then take a break.

Chicken math is fun when adding chickens, a bit harder when subtracting - but having the number of birds that fit into your coop and run are critically important for peace in the flock. Subtracting birds is the easiest way to restore harmony, to reduce the feed bill and give you room for chicks next spring!

Mrs K
Much to my surprise the lady who gave me my first egg was none other than a very young 16 week old Starlight Olive Egger - named Toffee!!

Many people believed Toffee to be a Cockerel when she was younger because she was brazen in attitude and had a larger comb - but that's just her - she is friendly and inquisitive and her comb IS indeed big. But she's a darling and probably one of, if not my favorite hen.

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This was her about a month ago -- she's been laying 2 weeks.

I caught her in the nest box today nosing around the fake ceramic eggs I've put in there and about 5 minutes later, a warm little egg the color of the ones we've been getting for the last 2 weeks was in there. So glad to know its her.


She's 19 weeks old this week. Out of 21, 20, 19, week olds from my first 'batch' of chicks, she's the only one laying. So early!!!

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