First year Goose suddenly acting docile?


Aug 22, 2022
NW LP Michigan
Our Gander is being territorial as expected of mating season but our female goose today is being unusually docile. As goslings our gander was the sweet one. Today was normal our geese really wanted to free range but we've been keeping chickens locked up so I managed to let the geese out without the chickens because Gizzy went to the door. Well I went out for the mid day egg check for chickens and I noticed our goose Gizzy making an oddly soft sound. She usually the overly dramatic type of honking and bolting if your within a certain distance of her. So I slowly approached her and she just stayed still. And let me pet her... Their almost a year old. I did see them mating earlier today.

As usual their going around munching on grass and I've been able to go up to her twice and pet her without her walking away or running away honking like its the end.

Can mating season change a females personality? Could she be getting ready to lay an egg? I always thought females get aggressive when getting ready to lay an egg.

Its just worrying that shes suddenly being soft and docile instead of flighty and dramatic.
She could be hormonal and behaving amorously towards you, sometimes girls will also squat or start aggressively nuzzling when they’re like this too.

Another possibility is that she doesn’t feel well, geese will often become subdued, quiet, and less flighty when they’re sick.
She could be hormonal and behaving amorously towards you, sometimes girls will also squat or start aggressively nuzzling when they’re like this too.

Another possibility is that she doesn’t feel well, geese will often become subdued, quiet, and less flighty when they’re sick.
She seemed fine this morning. But I'll keep an eye on her. Hopefully its just hormones.

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