BY Bob

Proprietor, Fluffy Butt Acres
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jan 1, 2016
Hershey, PA
My Coop
My Coop

I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride.

First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them like we do.

Our birds are our pets and we treat them as such. We do not care if someone is not laying eggs. They are welcome to stay at Fluffy Butt Acres until they pass naturally. (Now don't go telling them that! I would hate for word to get out) We do thoroughly enjoy the fresh eggs.

I plan to tell stories from the past as well as from today. I hope you all enjoy and will share stories of your flocks as well.
Introducing the current residents of Fluffy Butt Acres

As you can see from the front of the coop, we currently have 4 residents. Patsy, Lilly, Hattie & Jabber.

Patsy & Lilly have been here the longest and we ar enot really certain what kind of birds they are but they are likely Black Sex Links. Hattie and Jabber have just joined the flock this summer as they were chicks we got back in April. Here are their individual photos.

She is our alpha hen and is extremely friendly. While not a big fan of being picked up she comes right up to you and will talk and visit.

Lilly is currently #2 in the pecking order and intends to stay there. She has become our little enforcer and she defends the flock from such terrors as squirrels, rabbits, doves, and most importantly, ducks.

More to come on our newbies.
Our other two residents came to us in April as chicks. My wife raised them until they moved outside and then they became my responsibility.

Hattie is our lavender orpington hen. She has not starting laying yet but i expect she will once the days turn longer.

Jabberwockie, Jabber for short, was supposed to be an Easter Egger hen, however, he is clearly not a hen.

He and Hattie are inseperable.
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OK, how about some pictures of the chicks from back in April of last year?

Let's start with Fluffy Butts, what better place?

Here is Jabber. He was crazy from the start.

And here is Hattie, so sweet and friendy from day 1.
Downloading Bob's Under Coop_07_19_2018 9_19_33AM_1532006373664.jpg

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