If I sneak in on this side, she won't notice me.....

Pretty Cuckoo....nope, I'm finished.
Poor lady. 😥

Don't worry, mom will get better as she practices on you. She can't get any worse. Here's a hug :hugs Don't let those other chickens laugh at you.
I am going to chop more off -
I think a nice accent single spike of feathers on the top would look rather stylish 😆
I love the little one up on the blocks to get to the nipple.
Pooh was the first to learn how to use the nipples and she showed the others how.
I love that I don’t need to teach them!
That's Zulu. I think the first I saw use the nipple waterer was Tuff (bottom of pic), in the coop. Didn't take any of them long to figure out how they worked.
They are just little learning machines! They figure things out so fast,
Except how to go back in when I want to lock up. They definitely know the sound of the seed cup when I rattle it. But they also know that the seed rattle brings Bernie and so they stay outside until she is gone and go in to clean up anything she overlooked.
Getting them to come to the sound of the seed cup without grossly over-feeding Bernie is going to be a challenge!

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