Well, Mera is done. She hopped nests back to the last one. Put her on a roost and took the eggs tonight. Dunno if she'll make it back into a nest tonight, but....I'm off tomorrow, have a bucket, and will have to see. Mood I'm in tonight, she'd get dunked.
Well if you do, let me know how it goes. I think I am going to spray-drench Sylvie with nice cool well water.
Try to keep it as close to a schedule as you can. This will keep the levels of antibiotics non your system level and work better.

The two silkie chicks sun bath the other night
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Thanks Kelly, it reached to 7 hours in the end I was to tired to stay up any longer.

The pain is less now. So these tablets are helping 😀
Today was going to be just dandy. My friend was taking me out for lunch but my cat brought me in this little bird, that has now escaped into my bedroom somewhere. :( Strangely enough pusscat didn't kill it. But I'm still not sure if it's hurt or not.

So no lunch, it's a matter of a waiting and searching game until I find this little one

It had a few little drops of manuka honey and salt water but I can't find her/him in this room.

I've drenched meal worms in honey slightly salt water in hope that I can feed and assess it to be released. I hope it's still alive 😞

Any advice on what I could feed it if I find him would be really appreciated

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Today was going to be just dandy. My friend was taking me out for lunch but my cat brought me in this little bird, that has now escaped into my bedroom somewhere. :( Strangely enough pusscat didn't kill it. But I'm still not sure if it's hurt or not.

So no lunch, it's a matter of a waiting and searching game until I find this little one

It had a few little drops of manuka honey and salt water but I can't find her/him in this room.

I've drenched meal worms in honey slightly salt water in hope that I can feed and assess it to be released. I hope it's still alive 😞

Any advice on what I could feed it if I find him would be really appreciated

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Depends upon what bird it is. If it eats seeds, or bugs, or something else. Can't tell what it is from that pic.
Today was going to be just dandy. My friend was taking me out for lunch but my cat brought me in this little bird, that has now escaped into my bedroom somewhere. :( Strangely enough pusscat didn't kill it. But I'm still not sure if it's hurt or not.

So no lunch, it's a matter of a waiting and searching game until I find this little one

It had a few little drops of manuka honey and salt water but I can't find her/him in this room.

I've drenched meal worms in honey slightly salt water in hope that I can feed and assess it to be released. I hope it's still alive 😞

Any advice on what I could feed it if I find him would be really appreciated

View attachment 3870308
What I usually do when wildlife gets in the house and I cannot see obvious injury, is to close the door to the room it is in (to exclude the cats and confine it to one room). Then I open the window(s) as wide as possible (top and bottom), turn out the light (if it is night) and leave. Most critters leave on their own once they have recovered from the shock.
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What I usually do when wildlife gets in the house and I cannot see obvious injury, is to close the door to the room it is in (to exclude the cats and confine it to one room). Then I open the window(s) as wide as possible (top and bottom), turn out the light (if it is night) and leave. Most critters leave in their own once they have recovered from the shock.
Thank you 😊 🙏

It's daylight here but I'm going to leave the window open

Safe in my bedroom for now.
I honestly can't believe what's going on here today. It's been crazy hectic here from this morning with this little bird.

I left princess out the back with Amori but she wasn't out and about.

I found her in the coop panting a little, so I picked her up to wash her feet and legs in warm water.

As I lifted her I found this. A perfectly formed egg.



She might be brodie. Because she was keeping it warm


Just don’t sell Jaffara :bow
She is staying ♥️🥰 she is a darling, her, Sweetie, and Pepper (aka Larry 2) are the friendliest ones and thus can stay.

Along with the OEGB pullet, and the 2 silkies (as long as they are pullets).

The others will be rehomed when they get nearer egg laying.
I honestly can't believe what's going on here today. It's been crazy hectic here from this morning with this little bird.

I left princess out the back with Amori but she wasn't out and about.

I found her in the coop panting a little, so I picked her up to wash her feet and legs in warm water.

As I lifted her I found this. A perfectly formed egg.

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She might be brodie. Because she was keeping it warm

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Good for Princess!
Some of mine sit for a while after laying an egg even when they aren’t broody. They seem to like the opportunity for some quiet reflection.
I honestly can't believe what's going on here today. It's been crazy hectic here from this morning with this little bird.

I left princess out the back with Amori but she wasn't out and about.

I found her in the coop panting a little, so I picked her up to wash her feet and legs in warm water.

As I lifted her I found this. A perfectly formed egg.

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She might be brodie. Because she was keeping it warm

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That’s a really nice egg 😊♥️

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