FBA chicken synopsis
15 June to 22 june 2024​

Link to last week's synopsis.

One of those weeks when the joy of waiting for chicks to hatch, and watching those babies greet the world and grow, mingled with painful goodbyes. @RoyalChick's sweet Babs left too soon, and both @knoturavggrl and @RebeccaBoyd lost chicks.

@BY Bob
The egg swap occurred! It was not without risk... to the humans. Cross your fingers everyone !
Glynda's gotta go !
Phyllis wants to join.
By Bob is not sure how to handle it
It's too hot in the broodie's coop!
Meet the glamour faculty professor :
Who is still not being very nice
Interesting interactions with Eowyn :
Glynda gets off the nest twice :
Lady F, on the other hand, is not really into self care.
Friday broody bums :
A sweet video, but check Glynda's broody husky voice !

Gosling tax - yellow fluff !

Beautiful Monday mugs :
Fluffy butt !

Aero stands true to her name !
The best wednesday hat :
Xzit is broody and acting angry.
Aero is growing into a beautiful lady !
Rudy and latitude, two roosters.

Two broodies in a rather unusual situation...
First time out for the babies 🥰 :

Busy bee mug :

Good bye, little Ryka.
Thinking about a new coop.
More explanations :
Update on the littles.

The prettiest princess's mug.
A princess may do whatever she pleases.
A small loving family !

Finally a storm and rain to drop the heat down.

Cute cold oegb chick tax !
Monday mugs.
Painful weather !
Thirsty Thursday cooling party :
Fluffy school chicks butts. They seem to be blending in very well.
And a video of them :
Five are rehomed and will make a sad couple happy. Let's hope they upgrade their security.
Whiskers has been broody for five weeks. Kelly is worried and annoyed, and tries to encourage her to stop.

An update on the 9 chicks, and a complicated decision.
A surprise...
Sad update ; the splayed chick and Curly's chick did not survive.
A LOT of tiny chick pics :
And a brooder video :

Faced the unexpected passing of Babs on Monday, a sweet soul gone far too soon.

A late night visitor
Sylvie and Bernie's mugs for a warm Monday
Nest and laying insanity.
Broody Sylvie on a forced break.
Hard ware cloth and cattle panel sewn to keep even hungry foxes away.

@rural mouse
Mera's hatch is imminent and hopefully will allow her sister's kids to see the chicks.
Last minute broodies issues :
A serie of pretty pictures.
The best help for chores, and some peeps 🥰
Montana weather strikes again !
No hatching, and some disturbance 😮.

@Sally PB
A damp dirt bath helps the ladies cool down.
So does watermelon !

Samara is a pretty but angry broody.

Patience, young Padawan chicks, you will be grown up soon enough.
Bela and Dani, from 2011 to 2013 :
Clown slippers Silkie feet !
Thanks for the synopsis!
I think it is time I give a update on Bubba. It will also explain why I am not opposed to having a rooster in this group of chicks. It has been about 3 weeks ago now we had our vet out for a farm call for yearly vaccines for the horses. When he finished I brought him Bubba to get a look at his feet. He looked him over and then looked at me and said, "you are thinking tumors right?". Yes, yes I was because while it also looked like it could be bumblefoot I never found a open source for the infection. My boy has bumblefoot, he called it closed bumblefoot which is why I never found the point of origin and it was easy to misdiagnose. I asked him if he was his rooster what would he do and he was honest with me. He told me to watch him, as long as he is getting around ok, roosting no problems and breeding the hens leave him alone. He said it was so deep that he would have to be under anesthesia to remove and the openings so big that he would do more harm to him trying to cure it. So that is what I am doing, I am monitoring my boy daily. He can still get on and off the big roost no problem, he still breeds the hens and he is moving around ok and he is holding his weight. His feet look bad, and the minute they look worse or he shows signs they are bothering him I will make the call. My vet told me he could go a couple months more as he is or he could get worse in a few days. He did tell me if he were his he would not wait until winter. He thinks the cold and wet snow will be detrimental to his feet. I am hoping for a few more months with him. If there is a young roo in this group of chicks I would like it to learn a bit from both him and Branch if possible.
I think it is time I give a update on Bubba. It will also explain why I am not opposed to having a rooster in this group of chicks. It has been about 3 weeks ago now we had our vet out for a farm call for yearly vaccines for the horses. When he finished I brought him Bubba to get a look at his feet. He looked him over and then looked at me and said, "you are thinking tumors right?". Yes, yes I was because while it also looked like it could be bumblefoot I never found a open source for the infection. My boy has bumblefoot, he called it closed bumblefoot which is why I never found the point of origin and it was easy to misdiagnose. I asked him if he was his rooster what would he do and he was honest with me. He told me to watch him, as long as he is getting around ok, roosting no problems and breeding the hens leave him alone. He said it was so deep that he would have to be under anesthesia to remove and the openings so big that he would do more harm to him trying to cure it. So that is what I am doing, I am monitoring my boy daily. He can still get on and off the big roost no problem, he still breeds the hens and he is moving around ok and he is holding his weight. His feet look bad, and the minute they look worse or he shows signs they are bothering him I will make the call. My vet told me he could go a couple months more as he is or he could get worse in a few days. He did tell me if he were his he would not wait until winter. He thinks the cold and wet snow will be detrimental to his feet. I am hoping for a few more months with him. If there is a young roo in this group of chicks I would like it to learn a bit from both him and Branch if possible.
I'm so sorry Rebecca.

I haven't heard of closed bumble foot before. Hopefully he could survive the operation. How old is he?
The issue is clostridium botulinum spores which if they grow can release toxins that cause botulism which can be fatal.
For human babies you are supposed to wait until they have developed their own gut microbiome which prevents the C.botulinum from taking hold and creating the toxin.
The academic literature is a bit scant on the topic but does support that birds are susceptible and even wild birds have died.
Logic suggests (no articles I found) that this would be more of a risk to baby birds than adults for the same reason as with baby people. Also I would guess, adults whose microbiome has been compromised (e.g. from antibiotics).
That said, as with many of these things, the dose is the thing! A tiny bit of honey is unlikely to cause a problem.
I tried to find out how often honey has C.botulinum spores but got no further than they are commonly present in honey.
Thanks for getting to this first. You are correct in your information. As far as the % of honey that has clostridium present studies are kind of all over the map.

Clostridium spores were reported to have been detected in 43 (39.1%) out of 100 honey samples from Kazakhstan, 25 (22.9%) out of 109 honey samples from Poland, and 18 (64%) out of 28 yatei honey samples from Argentina (Mustafina et al., 2015; Różańska & Osek, 2012; Pucciarelli et al., 2014).


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