Friends I am stepping away from BYC for a few days.

I am so careful with my chickens. I watch where I step as they are always underfoot especially the silkies.

I went with dad to the store last night and was late getting home. Mom already fed the horses their grain and filled up the water. She did not give hay because a bale needed pulled down from the top. I went out to do it. I did not turn on the barn light and only took a head lamp with me.

I was not watching where I was going and I really was not looking. I stepped on Bunny. She was in front of the hay pile. I assume broody, but she had shown no signs of going broody. She did not growl or shriek at me when I got close like she normally would. She was also partially covered with loose hay. Bunny's leg is irreparably broken at the joint. I am sick over this. I've killed my hen. I cannot fix this. No amount of cage rest or splinting will allow it to heal is a somewhat useable fashion.

Bunny just turned 4 last month. She was one of the first chicks Holly hatched. Holly let me interact with them from the moment she hatched. Bunny was the house chicken. She was the one who grandma allowed to lay on the couch and she was the one who hatched on the couch. Bunny had many years left and because of me. Because of my moment of carelessness those have been taken away. I have no one to blame but myself.

I am so sorry Bunny. You deserved better.
View attachment 3948823
Please do not blame yourself for this. Accidents, though sometimes horrible happen, and everyone on here knows that you are cautious, loving, and protective over all of your animals, and also over those that don't belong to you. You have taken in roosters and hens that needed love and safety, even though it took you time and grief to catch them. You would never intentionally harm any animal, and they all know that. I know how you feel. I have had 2 birds taken right under my nose, and a prolapsed hen I couldn't fix, and a pullet that just dropped dead. No other words describe it than it sucks. You try so hard to keep animals safe, and then some hole in a fence you meant to fix, or another of your pets, or something they ate takes them out. It feels like your fault and it's absolutely devasting. The important thing to remember is that you are always doing your best. Anyone can see that. Give yourself grace, and throw extra love into your animals. They love you. Animals have a way of knowing when you are trying to help, even when it hurts them. Bunny knew you loved her. I will be praying for you. I hope your time away is helpful to you and you get some closure. :hugs
Please do not blame yourself for this. Accidents, though sometimes horrible happen, and everyone on here knows that you are cautious, loving, and protective over all of your animals, and also over those that don't belong to you. You have taken in roosters and hens that needed love and safety, even though it took you time and grief to catch them. You would never intentionally harm any animal, and they all know that. I know how you feel. I have had 2 birds taken right under my nose, and a prolapsed hen I couldn't fix, and a pullet that just dropped dead. No other words describe it than it sucks. You try so hard to keep animals safe, and then some hole in a fence you meant to fix, or another of your pets, or something they ate takes them out. It feels like your fault and it's absolutely devasting. The important thing to remember is that you are always doing your best. Anyone can see that. Give yourself grace, and throw extra love into your animals. They love you. Animals have a way of knowing when you are trying to help, even when it hurts them. Bunny knew you loved her. I will be praying for you. I hope your time away is helpful to you and you get some closure. :hugs
X2 ♥️
We all worry at some point whether we did a right or wrong thing for our pets. It's the sign of a caring owner. No point worrying now. Just wait & see for now.
I would doubt it, but just let it be. Hopefully he body will wrap grasses and such around it the keep it contained. I doubt it will pass through her system unless it is really small.

She will be fine most likely, many animals live with hardware.
Okay! Hopefully I did not peirce the earing in her! Ughhh!! Note to self and others: DONT WEAR JEWELRY AROUND CHICKENS
I was emotionally drained all day today, but I remembered that I have Blue and she’s been with me all afternoon. Amazing how a blue bird can change everything. I don’t feel so blue now: IMG_4712.png
I was emotionally drained all day today, but I remembered that I have Blue and she’s been with me all afternoon. Amazing how a blue bird can change everything. I don’t feel so blue now: View attachment 3949062
Blue ♥️

And there we go another song

Mr Clyde of the blue ears
I was emotionally drained all day today, but I remembered that I have Blue and she’s been with me all afternoon. Amazing how a blue bird can change everything. I don’t feel so blue now: View attachment 3949062
That's 'cause she took all the 'blue' out of you!

but, sadly (or not) now she is blue all over!!!

:D :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:lau:D

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