Yesterday sure was a day...

Around 10am I just came back outside from feeding my cat, literally just opened the door and stepped into the garage, and my dad said "Holy ****, what was that?!"

Apparently I had JUST missed a really loud chicken squawk. We both stepped outside and saw a hawk land in a tree and then take off again. Aliss was hiding under the smoker, panting a little, so I got her out and held her. She was stressed out but fine, no injuries.

Then we noticed that the other 4 girls weren't there. So right away, I'm walking around with Aliss in my arms calling for the girls and they are exactly nowhere. Looked around the property for them for probably 20 minutes and then put Aliss in the run.

Over the next few hours I searched for them on and off, around the yard, in the woods, under the deck, under brush piles, everywhere, and I couldn't find them. Dad was looking too, we were both really worried, and we even walked down the road a little bit and met a neighbor getting her mail to ask if she'd seen them. We started talking a little bit about what to do with Aliss if they didn't come back.

After 5 hours of worrying and searching we're sitting in the garage. I think I see something brown out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to look there's nothing so I go back to whatever I was doing on my phone. 10 seconds later my dad says "Welcome back, girls!"

They all just walked up the driveway like everything was normal and nothing happened. I was so relieved I almost cried, LOL!

I wonder what type of adventure they got themselves into out there? They better not do it again! :rant:he
Nasty shock. Happy ending!
Hawks are Back

I got this video of the crows harassing a hawk as it circled over FBA last week. Hopefully Aster is learning from the others how to stay safe.

Love the crows.
I have noticed here the mockingbirds (or they may be cat birds) are small but very aggressive to hawks and foxes.
Blue Jays also.
@BY Bob
Hung a big flag up to deter hawks. Apparently it scares them. Another thing I've read was hanging old CD's and shiny foil above where your chickens stay

Apparently the silver foil scares off pigeons as well
Do the CD's or foil scare the chickens also I wonder? After a while the flappy things aren't scary any more? to chickens or hawks? Just like scarecrows in a corn field eventually don't scare off crows? Just wondering if anyone on here has experienced these deterrent methods?
Do the CD's or foil scare the chickens also I wonder? After a while the flappy things aren't scary any more? to chickens or hawks? Just like scarecrows in a corn field eventually don't scare off crows? Just wondering if anyone on here has experienced these deterrent methods?
I use CDs and Mylar foil ribbon. No idea if it scares anyone, but I hope as they move in the wind they create distraction and confusion.
Thirsty Thursday

Some reflection on why chooks like wild water….
View attachment 3961953

Is it because it’s tasty?
View attachment 3961954

Or is it some forbidden fruit?
View attachment 3961955

I think they just want to pretend they are wild birds who can survive it the wilds.

I see they are reflecting on this…
View attachment 3961956
(Mr P, Whiskers, Rose and maybe Blackie - July 2023)
I desperately wanted George to stay bright white. I have to say though, if George ends up looking like his Dada Mr. P, who am I to complain. Mr. P is stunning there.

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