As I figured. The Rockettes are malnourished. Crops are empty and they are hungry. But they would rather starve themselves than be jumped by Mr Wyandottey.
I’m going to feed them away from the coop, one at time If necessary. :hit
Just bring him in - or lock him away from them and feed them separately. That’s what I do, and I have 5 feed bowls set out and a couple of waterers.

I put them in areas that cannot be seen fully by everyone.

Chickens! Who knew they were such velociraptors!
Just bring him in - or lock him away from them and feed them separately. That’s what I do, and I have 5 feed bowls set out and a couple of waterers.

I put them in areas that cannot be seen fully by everyone.

Chickens! Who knew they were such velociraptors!
I have other colorful adjectives for the chooks, which I can’t use on byc. :barnie
Chilly today, checked the barn cams and saw the Sweeter Heater in use by Flopsy and Clyde.

Then Betty kicked him out… 😁

I might buy another one of these.

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