Not so.

The white faced Spanish is the oldest of the Mediterranean breeds, predating 1600. The Penedesencas and the Empordanesas lay brown eggs ("almost black in young pullets").

Also, breeds like the Scots Dumpy have been around for almost 1000 (yes, that's one THOUSAND) years. They have a straight comb (floppy in hens) and aren't Mediterranean body type.

Same with Dorkings. They're another ancient breed, brought to Britain by Julius Ceasar. Also have floppy combs in hens and do NOT have a Mediterranean body type, despite their Roman origins.

Leghorns are relatively new in comparison. From the Tuscany region of Italy, derived from light breeds. Unless Italy has records predating this, nothing is really known about them before early 1800s, when they were first exported.
Research says that because of its prolific egg-laying reputation, the Leghorns are the most extensively used cross-mix to breed ~ especially in current poultry industries. The Legbar is just one example of a specific breed, & dozens of production breeds. Scots Dumpy or Dorking are not exactly a production hen to find in a backyard mix nor are their combs massively long.

Bela (white) & Danni (buff) 2 long floppy combed Leghorns

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Step one of my arctic plan implemented....

Total fail

I wrapped the bare metal with nice cushioned rug underlay and Sylvie would not set foot on the hot lava I had apparently created. She went back to sleeping in the nest box. I think I will leave her that way until the worst of the arctic blast is over and then she can go back to bare metal roosting if she chooses.

Why don't I learn? I really am not qualified to decide anything for my chickens. They have minds of their own and it is not my place to question their life choices.
Just leave the metal wrapped, she will get used to it ♥️
Research says that because of its prolific egg-laying reputation, the Leghorns are the most extensively used cross-mix to breed ~ especially in current poultry industries. The Legbar is just one example of a specific breed, & dozens of production breeds. Scots Dumpy or Dorking are not exactly a production hen to find in a backyard mix nor are their combs massively long.

Bela (white) & Danni (buff) 2 long floppy combed Leghorns
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View attachment 4028758
That makes sense. Still its weird to get animals before having a residence on premises to monitor their own herd. Reminds me of people who acquire chicks or chickens before they have a coop or run to put them in 😄!
I know, right? A weird guy walked up to me and said he was missing six red Angus cows (exact same number of red Angus the owner has), I said, nope haven't seen any extra cows wandering around and he left. There are signs all over the gate saying "No Trespassing" and this guy just walked right on. I called the owner and told him about it. Oh well, not my choices to make. I'm only making sure they have water and food.
Even with a heated waterer, there was a thin layer of ice on the water this morning. And it's not even that cold yet! Single digits next week, for a couple days at least... Oy vey. I'm going to have to check their water every few hours.
The heater in your waterer might be shot. Is it one of the heated dog water bowls from TSC?

That's what I have. My first one lasted two seasons. The second one is into its third. That's how I know when they've died... a skin of ice on the water sometime during the day.

I bought a new one last fall to keep on hand, in case this one dies. Because you know it'll do it during this upcoming cold snap!

Highs of 7° F and lows in the single digits below zero.

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