Research says that because of its prolific egg-laying reputation, the Leghorns are the most extensively used cross-mix to breed ~ especially in current poultry industries. The Legbar is just one example of a specific breed, & dozens of production breeds. Scots Dumpy or Dorking are not exactly a production hen to find in a backyard mix nor are their combs massively long.Not so.
The white faced Spanish is the oldest of the Mediterranean breeds, predating 1600. The Penedesencas and the Empordanesas lay brown eggs ("almost black in young pullets").
Also, breeds like the Scots Dumpy have been around for almost 1000 (yes, that's one THOUSAND) years. They have a straight comb (floppy in hens) and aren't Mediterranean body type.
Same with Dorkings. They're another ancient breed, brought to Britain by Julius Ceasar. Also have floppy combs in hens and do NOT have a Mediterranean body type, despite their Roman origins.
Leghorns are relatively new in comparison. From the Tuscany region of Italy, derived from light breeds. Unless Italy has records predating this, nothing is really known about them before early 1800s, when they were first exported.
Bela (white) & Danni (buff) 2 long floppy combed Leghorns
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