Oh that’s a good point. I will see who I can call. They may already know because I am sure it came from the swamp and they have NJ Fish & Wildlife people stationed there. I’ll call over there first.
Thanks for the nudge - I didn’t think about that.
Imagine being a new fish and wildlife officer, and my first assignment was “now go sit in that swamp!” :lau
Yes. I am careful.
I am vaccinated and have my antibodies checked every year. And when I am exposed I get the post exposure shots.
My usual exposure is bats who somehow find their way into the house. That means all the cats and I need shots!
Apparently rodents are less likely to get rabies, not impossible but less likely, so I was advised I didn't need to go through the shots for the flying squirrel visitor.
My biggest issue with my house is ants. They seem to be here all the time! Ant Mildred makes nice cookies, and ant Barb likes the chickens, but ant Veronica smells like an old wet horse blanket! :D

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