The white "L" egg did not make it, dropped while candling and splattered. :(
I went ahead and put a "o" on the pointy end of any egg that seems to be developing. Had a few I couldn't see inside (olive, marans, and a green legbar) so left them, and had a couple that looked fully clear, or scrambled yolk.
Tomorrow I'll note down how many and which markings are on the "for sure" eggs. I believe all 3 ayam cemani are off to a good start. And one polish mix from a pink egg...
Then it's just keeping track of who keeps going, and looking out for quitters. :)
Ooops! It happens. I bounced poor Betty (her egg) when she was a week along, thankfully I had the egg over the shavings in the nest!

Anywhooo you have the otjers so you should soon have a bunch of babies for us all to enjoy ♥️
It isn’t true.
Correct. It is misleading.

And for the off topic here is the tax

Mugs Monday

Have a splendid day everyone!
The white "L" egg did not make it, dropped while candling and splattered. :(
I went ahead and put a "o" on the pointy end of any egg that seems to be developing. Had a few I couldn't see inside (olive, marans, and a green legbar) so left them, and had a couple that looked fully clear, or scrambled yolk.
Tomorrow I'll note down how many and which markings are on the "for sure" eggs. I believe all 3 ayam cemani are off to a good start. And one polish mix from a pink egg...
Then it's just keeping track of who keeps going, and looking out for quitters. :)
Ooops! It happens.

I can’t wait to see all you new babies 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Good morning everyone.

Please keep Rosie, dad and Mom in your thoughts today. This flu is no joke and now mom came down with it yesterday. Rosie and dad are still running fever's going into their 4th day with this. I honestly think dad is trying to set up pneumonia. His stubborn hard headed butt needed to go to the emergency room yesterday, but he did not. If Rosie was as bad as he is I would have had her there in a heartbeat. I'm still good thank goodness but I'm tired. I've gotten everyone medicated this morning, horses and chickens taken care of and I have to head to work in a hour. Thankfully my brother is off today and he will tend to them, and agreed to do evening chicken and horse chores for me.
How’s Truly this morning?
Well upright and eating. I am wondering if her arthritis is bothering her. I should get her some horsey celebrex I guess. I’ll give her some bite Bute (like Aleve) tonight.

Meanwhile I seem to have blown a fuse in the barn so cameras are down, and my trough de-icer will also be down. I’ll pop home in a bit and reset it. I am only about 20 min away.
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Good morning everyone.

Please keep Rosie, dad and Mom in your thoughts today. This flu is no joke and now mom came down with it yesterday. Rosie and dad are still running fever's going into their 4th day with this. I honestly think dad is trying to set up pneumonia. His stubborn hard headed butt needed to go to the emergency room yesterday, but he did not. If Rosie was as bad as he is I would have had her there in a heartbeat. I'm still good thank goodness but I'm tired. I've gotten everyone medicated this morning, horses and chickens taken care of and I have to head to work in a hour. Thankfully my brother is off today and he will tend to them, and agreed to do evening chicken and horse chores for me.
Tylenol and fluids right?

Make your dad take some mucinex also (guaifenesin expectorant) to help with clearing crud in his lungs.

But yes he should see a dr if he has had 4 days of fever.

It may not be flu, it could be RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)

Make sure he gets to see a dr if he doesn’t improve by tomorrow.

You also be very careful, don’t get yourself over tired.

Here is Mr P from July 2023

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