I've written to Dean's Farm this morning for an update on Princess.

I had to contact through the info because my phone provider caused so many issues with their outages that it messed up my emails. Everything became overloaded.
They dragged every single mail back even the spam and I lost two precious emails from the farm trying to clear their mess up.

Friends, we are packed up and waiting and watching. It has not rained for a few hours thankfully. Next round of storms is supposed to hit in about a hour. Even if it does not rain one more drop we are in trouble, the backwater is rising. We cannot get out of the holler, have not been able to all afternoon. Our plan is if we have to go, we go up on the hill to where the cabin is and will be staying in the cars. Dad will saddle Dirt and pony Russ up there as well. My chickens, all I can do for them is to box up the silkies and bring them with me, the others that can fly they will have to fend for themselves. They have the hillside they can go to for saftey in the trees. I have no choice. Our whole subdivision is about to be underwater and all our neighbors are joining us on the hill. The barn and concession stand at the ring....Water is level with the concession porch and ready to break into the barn. I'm praying for the best, but we are all ready to run. If we run, I will not be able to get on probably for several days.
This is awful. 🙏 that this water settles .

It's shocking you and your neighbours have to cope with this.
We will all be hoping and waiting for any updates :hugs:hugs:hugs
TY for catching me up! What sweeties! How amazing they stayed in the yard w/o trying to fly or escape. They look very content.
They had a few gardens really, because I spilt the back area up into sections and for a change they would go into the front garden. Most people passing by loved seeing them their children were fascinated.

Many people couldn't believe seeing a dog cat and chickens hanging out happily together.

I can't be sure ifvit happened but some people showed such an interest that they wanted some of their own, especially for their children



Friends, we are packed up and waiting and watching. It has not rained for a few hours thankfully. Next round of storms is supposed to hit in about a hour. Even if it does not rain one more drop we are in trouble, the backwater is rising. We cannot get out of the holler, have not been able to all afternoon. Our plan is if we have to go, we go up on the hill to where the cabin is and will be staying in the cars. Dad will saddle Dirt and pony Russ up there as well. My chickens, all I can do for them is to box up the silkies and bring them with me, the others that can fly they will have to fend for themselves. They have the hillside they can go to for saftey in the trees. I have no choice. Our whole subdivision is about to be underwater and all our neighbors are joining us on the hill. The barn and concession stand at the ring....Water is level with the concession porch and ready to break into the barn. I'm praying for the best, but we are all ready to run. If we run, I will not be able to get on probably for several days.
My hopes and prayers go with you guys, friends! :hugs:fl
And safety for the animals as well.
Weekly Synopsis of chicken news
For the week ending Feb 15, 2025

Last week's synopsis was brought to you by @knoturavggrl.

With many of us still sitting up to our ears in snow, some of our feathered friends are anticipating spring.
Some chickens are starting back after their winter. There are beautiful rainbow egg baskets. And first eggs! And a gift from a lovely older lady.
Even some of @RoyalChick's freeloaders got in on the action.

@BY Bob

Shared Aurora's driving ambitions
And Aurora herself has taken the time to respond to an Ask Aurora from @Themellowyellows's hen, Peaches.

Aster it seems is a snow bird, I wonder if she could be trained to use a shovel?

Bob reminded us of the contract terms with the IFLC and @RoyalChick gave tribute to one of the IFLC's shop stewards.


Shared some knowledge on Avian Influenza from her Vet Tech course.


Big hugs to Chicory who shared this update


Is building a new coop, and shared an update on Nacho and her chicks who seem to be integrating well. Certainly Mr Wyandottey seems to think they are part of his tribe


Lost poor Petunia and had a nasty scare - I am hoping no further news here is good news.
In good news however, she shared an update on Bert.


Shared a BFTP with pictures of her lovely ladies


Has started the journey back to chickens, and had an early ooops!
Jenn is keeping us posted on progress, and honestly I am not sure I can cope with the stress of it!
They are just moving when suddenly they get overtaken by newcomers who are too cute for words


🤣🤣🤣🤣 (this is a 'must see'- words fail me!)


We are happy to see Valerie back visiting FBA. She needs help counting her chickens, even though they line up just like Kelly's do (best photos ever!).

As always, apologies if I missed anything and if I messed up the links (I am still learning how to do these links).
Thank you!! I love these weekly synopses so much, especially because I always end up missing some cool stuff throughout the week. ❤️
Friends, we are packed up and waiting and watching. It has not rained for a few hours thankfully. Next round of storms is supposed to hit in about a hour. Even if it does not rain one more drop we are in trouble, the backwater is rising. We cannot get out of the holler, have not been able to all afternoon. Our plan is if we have to go, we go up on the hill to where the cabin is and will be staying in the cars. Dad will saddle Dirt and pony Russ up there as well. My chickens, all I can do for them is to box up the silkies and bring them with me, the others that can fly they will have to fend for themselves. They have the hillside they can go to for saftey in the trees. I have no choice. Our whole subdivision is about to be underwater and all our neighbors are joining us on the hill. The barn and concession stand at the ring....Water is level with the concession porch and ready to break into the barn. I'm praying for the best, but we are all ready to run. If we run, I will not be able to get on probably for several days.
Bless you, my dears 🙏❣️

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