.....I'd love some dark brown egg layers.
Chocolate layers, olive, avocado, mint, blue, terra cotta, bright white, pink, cream, light brown, beige, mauve, etc etc etc. I wanted them all at one time. Just not enough time to experience them all in our restricted area code! But we've been happily blessed w/ the Silkie eggs the last couple years & always had eggs thru winter. Silkies are a very underrated breed & so glad we have them in our twilight years of chickeneering.
Chocolate layers, olive, avocado, mint, blue, terra cotta, bright white, pink, cream, light brown, beige, mauve, etc etc etc. I wanted them all at one time. Just not enough time to experience them all in our restricted area code! But we've been happily blessed w/ the Silkie eggs the last couple years & always had eggs thru winter. Silkies are a very underrated breed & so glad we have them in our twilight years of chickeneering.
It’s true, I underrate your Silkies all the time. Please understand that this is a chicken club, and not a janitors closet.
It’s true, I underrate your Silkies all the time. Please understand that this is a chicken club, and not a janitors closet.
I went out and snapped a few pictures.

I love this, silkie girls hard at work. That is Patsy and the black one is Lori. Martina the other partridge with the beard has already laid so that is 3 girls hard at work.
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Today's haul so far, Lori has yet to lay she is just making herself comfortable.
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Mrs. E is laying, she laid her first egg yesterday and here is todays. I am pleasantly surprised by the size. I was thinking it would be smaller. I know it is Mrs. E's egg because I caught her in the act yesterday and today.
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Mrs. E herself, my not so bantam, bantam brahma. She is as big as my big girls. I know I say I want a big brahma, but, just how big are those "big" girls?
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Mrs E, Lilly and Holly
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Oh how I have missed the swagger of a silkie roo strutting his stuff. Work it Davy.
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My main man George.
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I'm surrounded by roos, hello Bosa.
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View attachment 4061967
A tiny terror in the making, Turkey! When I say tiny, I mean tiny.
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I wore crocs out today, Bosa was curious but seeing as how there was no shoe string, he did not peck my feet. So, it is a shoe string fetish he has.
View attachment 4061974View attachment 4061975View attachment 4061976He still had to thoroughly inspect them. Look at Georges shadow. I swear he is part parrot. His shadow looks like a cockatoo.View attachment 4061978View attachment 4061980View attachment 4061981View attachment 4061982View attachment 4061983View attachment 4061984View attachment 4061985View attachment 4061987
What is it with these silkie boys. They have all fallen head over heels for the too big for them cochin girls.
View attachment 4061986View attachment 4061988View attachment 4061989View attachment 4061990View attachment 4061991View attachment 4061992Sing the song of your people George.
View attachment 4061993Ooh, could I get 4 silkie eggs today?
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Where are you going mom, I must follow every move you make.
View attachment 4061997
Wow! Beautiful! I would love ALL of them❣️

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